02-01-2005 17:13:34
Re: Question for CadS in reply to 400man, 02-01-2005 16:38:18
It would be not much difference than a high steped head piston like an M&W. Yes, I have heard of bolting pieces on to the tops of the pistons, Im not in love with that method, but it has worked before. We done a JD A like that long time ago. Hasnt came apart yet, but its a scary thought of it would. Eventually, it would burn up around the seams of the bolted plate, and the piston head. if it was a daily runner, then it would be more likely to come apart. If you intend on doing this, I'd custom make the domes, and add to a flat top piston, use a mill to put a indention the same pattern as the piece you bolt on, so it counter sinks the plate, lower into the piston head, a bit farther away from the heat. Then consider how to hold the threads into the top of the piston, and or use lock nuts, welded to the bolt. Im not sure, kinda a do it take a risk for disaster?? Pistons are not hard, nor expencive to obtain,to up your compression, and still keep your stock bore. Bout anywhere you look, there is something out there. ChadS