Greg Haddox
02-01-2002 06:25:56
Re: Tractor Pulls in West Virgina in reply to Brandon, 01-31-2002 18:54:29
Brandon, I am from Pt. Pleasant WV an hour's drive east, and slightly north of Charleston WV. Our Local Club is the American Farm Pullers Association. Our Club members have a Spring, and Fall Pull, just north of Point Pleasant at the Mason County Fair Ground. We also have points pulls in the following county fairs. Putnam, Jackson , Interstate fair and Exibition{Wood County}, Meigs County Ohio{just north of Pomeroy, Mason County Fair, Gallia County Ohio{Gallipolis Ohio}, Albany Ohio, and Wirt County Fair,{located on Rt. 21 towards Elizebeth WV}. The three pulls at the Mason County Fair grounds are always good pulls, it's realy a great clay track, and We'd invite anyone to come and enjoy them. We haven't gotten the schedule of events lined for this year, but I'll post back the club address, and post the rules. I've also been some interest in the area of starting tug pulling events at the Gallia County Ohio fairgrounds,although that is not part of our club, I still think it would be fun. Once information and planed events start comming in, I'll post back on that too. Look us up, maybe join the club. Later Greg Haddox