02-24-2005 13:22:34
Re: rd 501 ih truck motor in a 560 in reply to Big Jake, 02-24-2005 10:48:34
Jake, its a job, but a very rewarding job after its done. The RD is longer than the C263 in your 560 so yes, custom made front engine mounts are required, as far as the bellhousing, make an adapter plate by using the old 560 plate, and make the bolt pattern from the RD. Make sure to measure the distance from the engine plate to back of the starter ring from the 560, for when you have the block in the tractor and measuring for the flywheel and still be able to use a stock style starter. Me personally, it would be easier to bolt in a 361-407 or a 436-466 IH in the 560, lots more factory parts will interchange for the flywheel and clutch, along with factory bell housing adpaters that will help make the job a bit easier, IH made 3 bellhousing sizes that were used in most of their line up,, the H-460 are the same bellhousing patterns, the M-1456 are the same, then you get into the Hydro series, which combined the big 436, or 466 in the same bellhousing as the M-1456, with the right parts from certain models, it is pretty simple to make them BOLT in to your 560. There was some posts a while back that talked about what bell housing adapter to use to put the 400 series in the older bellhousings. Hope this helps a bit,,, ChadS