06-27-2005 08:01:23
Re: Tractors not meeting the rules in reply to Mopower, 06-27-2005 07:10:45
NIATPA has a 14 inch rim width rule in farm stock, it seems to work out well. main thing, is to feel welcome and come and pull, play by the rules as much as you should,,,, If someone comes in, knowing they are illegal, they already know they are not going to be liked, especially if they slip through, and win! Someone always notices,,, someone always complains,, thats pulling. We wouldnt run em out of the club, they may have to donate the entry, or run mods if they dont meet the rules for farm stock. Then the puller who dont meet the farm rules, gets mad cause they got whipped by the mods,,, I guess next time,,, they should have played fair in the first place, to win a first place huh? LOL! NIATPA is usually a smooth running operation, not much bickering, but we all know there will be! Most of the time, we dont even check hitch hieght!! Gone off the honor system?? LMAO,, Last year, I went to South Bend pull, took 2 tractors,, only pulled one, and loaded em up, and checked hitches the rest of the nite,,, Now, I did things a little different,, we have 2 hooks per class, per tractors,,, so it makes for 2 rounds per class,,,, If I found one too high, I told the driver right there, after they pulled, and was on the scale to get their weight,, I said, your hitch is too high! This is a warning shot! Next time it wont be, so please let the hitch down for the next round. I never seen so many pullers have too high of hitch in one nite. The driver did one of two responces,, first one, they smiled, cause they got caught, the others, got upset, but I kept it not on a personal level, I was there to check hitches, that was my job that night, and I did a fine job. The next pull, everyone was lookingto see if there was someone checking hitches, Nope, not this time!! Just had to see how far the honor system will go. And, I did see bout 90% of the pullers checking, and setting the hitch at 20 inches in the mods, and 18 for the farm stocks, and not going beyond that. So, it made me happy to see that they got the message. Rules are rules. No one is exempt, Im not, your not, and niether is anyone else. Being laxed, is one thing, but being blind, is another,,, right? Chad