07-05-2005 18:56:36
At aproximatly 7:28pm July 5, 2005, I was sitting in my back yard working on my car, I just happen to glance to the south west, and seen a funny looking cloud forming. Did not think much of it at first, so wen back and worked a little more, bout 5 minutes later I looked back again,, Hmmm still there,,, I went inside and got Judy, told her to not to freak out but you gotta have a look at this!! We stared at it for a moment,, and all of a sudden, that thing grew a tail and was decending down!!! No wind, no rain no thunder, no nothing but a funnel cloud gently forming. I ran across the street, told the neighbors to have a look, sure enough,, it was getting bigger. We grabbed the camera and started taking picutes of the the funnel cloud. We got about 17 good pictures of that thing,,,,, after the june 5th incident, Im thinking,,, they out to git us!!!!! !!!! We all stood and watched it for a good 10 minutes, it couldnt make up its mind whether to form up, or blow away,,, finally it went back up in the clouds and that was it. We got some pictures we would like to share with you guys,,, one, even has my 460 in it!!!! I like storms,,, but this one,, if it would have hit, there would have been no warning. ChadS