Now I"m not one to bash anyone here...but I think that anytime two competitors build a pulling tractor of the same make and model, it"s already a build-off. BUT...With all the bashing that starts anytime someone mentions a certain party"s name on the board, I think eventually it"s gonna be time to put up or shut up. So here"s what I propose: Let"s just get some of these bashers to put their torque wrench where their mouth is...let"s get ChadS and some of these fellows building the same model of tractor, using whatever parts they agree to, that will still fit the rules for a specific class. Maybe somebody who"s all gung-ho on Denny"s parts can get them to sponsor their build-up, for example; but when the buildin" is done, make it a two-part competition. First, see who built the most HP on the dyno...and THEN see who built the best puller. Then, if ChadS builds the winner, all these folks bad-mouthing his parts and such will have to shut up for a couple of months; but if the Denny"s tractor wins, nobody can say anything bad about Denny"s parts for a like period of time. And if some independent builds one that puts "em BOTH to shame, BOTH of "em will have to eat crow for the same specified period of time....y"know, kinda like a "loser-leave-town" rasslin" match. Whaddya say? Like everything else in building a puller, all it takes is money! I"d like to see somebody take up this kinda challenge seriously. While I don"t personally know ChadS, I know there are some who come on here and badmouth him on a regular basis. Since we all know that "money talks and bull$h1t walks," let"s see some of those bashers put their money where thir mouth is and build a better puller...rather than just TALKIN" a better puller. twist Lee Iacocca"s line around: "If you can build a better it!"