As we all know by now, the Delta Fire Company had a scheduling conflict with our October pull date. For some reason ignorance and animosity have caused both the remaining pulls to be cancelled. If this is how we are to be treated after all the years of our loyalty, then why bother to give them our money if they decide to continue pulling next year?I think the good doctor needs to hear from all of us just how we feel about it. Maybe after the 100th phone call that he has to answer his attitude might change. Speaking of change, maybe it's time for a change in leadership! We the pullers dump $10,000 to $12,000 per year into the Delta Fire Company and the Mason Dixon Fair. I think we deserve a little more consideration than we get. Hopefully the horse people will be able generate enough cash to make up for what will be lost without the pulls. The pulls have become stagnant because of bad rules and unfair enforcement of those rules. All you have to do is look at the results from the September pull. Very few of the "modified" classes had more than 2 or 3 pullers. If you feel the same, drop me an email. I think we need to explore our options.