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C.T. Barenie

11-25-2005 22:02:22

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As the new board members come on line, and as I already see the politics involved, I ask now for the (end of year shipping weight of the corporate sled. !)
I , as in the past (last year), asked for changes, and did not pull!, Those changes were met, and offered value to the club !
This year I will be pulling and competing for the point's race.

At this time it will be necessary to have a (net) value of the sled weight, as equipped for the track, I am talking about net weight, before loading for heavier classes !
I want this weight described upon, and put into rules, just as an out-of-bonds line !
This is an issue that has been unaddressed !


Tomorrow, I spend my first dollar on tractor pulling in two years !
I will not waste anymore money on manipulation, bases on dollars spend to cheat those who do not know !
PH 219.324.6567
CELL 219.716.0467

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Get Real

11-28-2005 12:52:31

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to C.T. Barenie, 11-25-2005 22:02:22  
Percentages are for weather forecast, tractor pulling is measured in feet and inches.

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11-27-2005 11:26:54

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to C.T. Barenie, 11-25-2005 22:02:22  
Its the chain you got to watch.

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11-28-2005 10:13:55

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to LWD, 11-27-2005 11:26:54  
You beat me to it but that was what I was gonna say,watch the chain.I try to count the links every time I go to a pull(if I think about it)and compare the length to the last time I was hooked to the same sled.One place I pulled would change the length of the chain from time to time to make the outcome different from the pull before and not braodcast the news either.Fun ain't it?

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Ohio H

11-27-2005 10:02:56

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to C.T. Barenie, 11-25-2005 22:02:22  
Could anyone post their club schedules for us pullers without local clubs. Also we need to see more events in the so. Ohio, Ky. WVa. tristate. Lots of interest here but no local info available, Just info in the north. Thanks....H

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11-26-2005 21:25:31

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to C.T. Barenie, 11-25-2005 22:02:22  
Bud, what were you doing over in ohio Saturday? Saw you there, you dissappeared before I could say hi...Andrew

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Ohio puller

11-26-2005 18:07:54

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to C.T. Barenie, 11-25-2005 22:02:22  
I've been involved with pulling and pulled tractors for over fourty years. Now maybe I'm just getting old or something but I can't remember the clubs, members, ect. being as divided as it has become lately. Like Chad said about the heavier classes trying to do away with the smaller classes and he is right, there are many places that way. United we stand, divided we fall, (wonder what that means?) I can understand why there are those who pull, load, and leave. They feel unwanted, except for there entry fee and hook count. Before anyone gets the wrong idea I also know there are those who wouldn't help for anything. I'm speaking of the people who get kicked all the time by the ( BIG BOY's ) you know, the ones that pulling would'nt get by without ( OH GIVE ME A BREAK ) !!!! No wonder people don't want to watch the pulls with there families or get involved like they use to. Too many times all you see is a few clicks of the one's who think there ---- don't stink. I have pulled light to heavy, from fast to slow and not once did it make me above any other puller. Did I want to win, you got that right, but first and foremost I was there to have fun and be with family and friends that enjoyed the same thing I enjoyed. I agree with you for wanting to improve the club, unite and inform the members. If it's unfair for anyone then it's wrong! It should be fair for one and all. I know and realize that you will have a few that will try to slip one by you and there will be things come up that's the sport of pulling. All I'm trying to point out is we all need to do whatever we can to support the sport, each other, and the clubs ect. I beleave we need to do what ever we can to better the sport and as for the issues and people that do nothing but divide, and try to destroy we need to put a stop to these issues and people. I'm glad to see others trying to make changes for the better and standing up for what's right and fair for all.

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11-26-2005 14:41:23

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to C.T. Barenie, 11-25-2005 22:02:22  
any of you have any idea why our percentages have been so low last two years?? I think i know but no one ever told me i just observed

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11-28-2005 05:28:30

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to dctom, 11-26-2005 14:41:23  
Yes, I know why. The Agritronix is not calibrated correctly. It used to have the radar unit behind the box, that read ground speed, and distance pulled, now it has only the sensor on the flywheel on the transmission. The counter is not calibrated to the box travel. That and having to convert ground distance to figure out how far the box moved up the rails. Now, from what I have seen while operating the sled, it is no where near accurate for counting distance on the box,, someone says its 210 feet in second gear for a full pull, ( box moved all the way up the rails, and against the stops) Ive seen it read 199 feet, Ive seen it 218 feet, at a full pull, so I know the 210 feet mark is not correct all the time,,, and if they use the distance pulled,, lets look at a pull off,,, one tractor full pulls, the distance is 210 feet, the way it is supposed to be,, then someone else comes in, full pulls, and has a distance of 218 feet. The one who gets credit for 218 feet gets the win, all cause the math figures were figured at 218. How do I know that???? Tom, you already know how I know,,, HAHAHA!! No, it is not accurate how the Agritronix is set up,,, see, we dont use ground speed any more to run speed limits,, its done by how fast the flywheel is turned on the sled. Which, is probably set to ol Red"s speedometer on his UB!!! Yeah, it may be the same for everyone,,, yadda yadda yadda, but, its not how it is supposed to work. But the distance thing on the full pull counter,,, I know it is not correct. Go back to the tape on the sled rails, or hook up the old counter that we already spent money on and use it. Then,, once the mathmatician in the trailer gets back to calcualting the percentage formula to the way we used to do it, you will for sure, see the percentage go right back up to the higher numbers like in the old days. Chad

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Jerry Cent. Mi.

11-26-2005 12:02:38

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to C.T. Barenie, 11-25-2005 22:02:22  
If their is a way some will find a way to cheat although I do not speech as an autority as I haven't seen it happen on purpose. The biggest problem at our club is the lack of help from some of the other pullers. There is lots of work to putting on a pull and it ticks me off to have capable people pull, load and leave.

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11-26-2005 14:21:18

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT/jerry in reply to Jerry Cent. Mi., 11-26-2005 12:02:38  
I was one of the guys that did not pull this year, also came to the track, and the club allowed me to run the sled, hook tractors and do what ever they allowed me to do !
I know exactly what you mean, as a puller, non board member !

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11-26-2005 05:06:36

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to C.T. Barenie, 11-25-2005 22:02:22  
23,340#s according to the figure wrote down in the truck. Chad

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11-26-2005 14:29:59

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to ChadS, 11-26-2005 05:06:36  

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Jeff Oliver

11-26-2005 05:31:22

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to ChadS, 11-26-2005 05:06:36  
I'm kinda lost on this one but why does it make a difference what the sled weighs now? It will weight the same foor every puller at a particular pull won't it? I mean I can't see anyone taking weight out of or putting it into the box between individual tractors. I'm not trying to be smart I am just really curious as the sled we pull around here I have neve asked how much the entire thing weighs. Was told once that there was 14k in the box at one time.

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11-26-2005 05:54:42

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to Jeff Oliver, 11-26-2005 05:31:22  
It really dont make much of a difference, it is the same for everyone. We have had trouble in the past, over the winter, they would add weight to the box and not tell anyone, those who knew it had changed,,, they dominated cause they knew it from the start and compensated their weights. It really hosed the light tractors,,, like this,,, last year you could average 75 inches on the sled, (the distance the box traveled up the rails) Then the start of a new year, you may get to 50 if your lucky, sled in the same gear. Our sled gets heavy quick for tractors under 4500,, it has such a large pan, and it dont take much weight to stop a tractor that is trying to pull under 4500. The weight difference also contributes to the percentage pulled,,, but it does all come down to if you can pull the sled,, you dont have much to worry,, but if the sled is too heavy, no tractor under 4500 can pull it 50 feet! We had that happen quite a few times, then found out they added weight, told no one, and sat back and laughed at others cause no one could pull it,, but they could! Of course, they were in classes 5500Lbs and heavier. I guess Barenie wants to make sure he gets no surprizes when he debuts his SM,,, I guess he should carefully watch whats going on with where the sled is parked,,,, It has happened before,,,, and with new rules that may go into effect, that sled will for sure, get heavier and no one know. Thats why he wants to know,,, its an important issue with us too, being the light weight pullers in the club, and they love to see us gone. I mean,, tractors under 4500,,, ChadS

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Jeff Oliver

11-26-2005 08:35:51

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to ChadS, 11-26-2005 05:54:42  
ok I understand and see see why he or anyone else would want to know now. We have had a few jokers here as well but pretty much weeded them out or threw a big enough fit that they don't do things like that any more .. hahahah. Hope all your rules work to stop it there as well as it takes alot of the fun out of the sport and can bring it to an end really quickly.

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11-26-2005 09:12:45

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to Jeff Oliver, 11-26-2005 08:35:51  
Well, thats all one can hope for,,, Unity, instead of diversity. When we all stand together, we can accomplish great things, put on a good show for whom ever shows up, to pull, to spectate, to appreciate what tractor pulling has become. Fun,,,, aint it? Chad

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11-26-2005 10:12:28

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to ChadS, 11-26-2005 09:12:45  
Unity in the tractor pulling world? Maybe after there is peace in the Middle East, lol. The bottom line is that tractor pulling is competition, and competition brings out the worst in some.

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b barenie

11-26-2005 14:26:21

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to G/MAN, 11-26-2005 10:12:28  
The question is not about bringing out the worst in any puller, it's about being an educated puller, and understanding, what could become an advantage for all club members.
Talked to two board members today, in ohio !
They both agreed, that the sled weight, and or change of weight, should be for all membership knowledge. l.w. posted an interesting comment about sled width and how too set tire width.
I'm trying to dig up and have answered all the questions, 4 years ago , I would have never thought to ask !


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11-27-2005 11:39:36

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to b barenie, 11-26-2005 14:26:21  
I understand your point, Bud, and I wasn't inferring that you were one of those that's having the worst brought out in him. It's just that there will never be a situation where everyone will be happy, at least until everyone has their own sled and their own one-tractor pull so they can all win, lol.

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11-28-2005 05:34:08

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to G/MAN, 11-27-2005 11:39:36  
Not EVERYONE will be happy in pulling. We all know that!! But have rules that are used for years and years,, then totally make rules just for certain tractors to give advantages,, well, that could plain out tick pullers off!!

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11-28-2005 14:43:26

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to ChadS, 11-28-2005 05:34:08  

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11-29-2005 08:50:48

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 Re: N.I.A.T.P.A. / SLED SHIPPING WEIGHT in reply to W. ANGLEMYER, 11-28-2005 14:43:26  
Dream. HA! Your BUDdy told us. Im well informed, been around long enough to know. Let me tell ya something,,, those guys built tractors that are out in left field. Now, all that money they spent on em, and now they complain and want to change it all around for them. And forget those who are already there. Since you brought up rules, where does it say in the rules, that farm stockers can run strokers? Chad

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