B Green: WTW has 2 good running B's. Just adding a little on what WTW stated. The Farmall rods (2.25 or 2.3) work well, but I like the bigger journals of the Oliver rods. (2.56") On the '41, you can go to 7" with 2.56" journals and almost no grinding. Whoever does your crank, either send him your cam or get a different one, but either way, have it "slabbed" for clearance. Don't let them just chuck it up in a lathe and turn the diameter down. Like WTW said, 7.5" is getting more common, but a lot more work. Your oil lines to both mains will be in the way but easily altered and you will need to poke holes in the back of the case and a little on top. The 2.56" journals are bigger, stronger, and actually clear better than the Farmall rods. If what you meant was, how far do you have to go before MOVING the cam, it must be somewhere more than 8", cuz mine hasn't moved. Also, keep in mind that the guy that makes your crank, rods, cam, etc will have a lot to do with how much grinding you will have to do. Everybody that has made cranks has had at least one break, and everyone has good and bad personalities and levels of knowledge about clearancing things and fabricating them.