Warren, we're with Marty. It's nice to go pullin' and not have to worry about pts. and stuff. If we don't have fun pulling, we'll go fishin'. And you may have noticed we didn't go fishin' yesterday. Our hat's off to you, Warren, and the rest of them that pulled it off. But we'll put them masonry hats back on if you want us to. If they wanna do it again next year, we'll be there... Found that big tent where all the steak was supposed to be at, but the ladies there said we had to go to some sort of headquarters building to get the tickets. Upon further intense questioning, they couldn't pinpoint its exact location. So we stopped at Screwdriver Corners & settled for a burger n fries...& change a trl tire that started slinging rubber. Oh yeah, Marty, I appreciate you and the rest of the track engineers for keeping your eyes open for that gray haired fart runnin' back n forth between those 3 tracks with his camera. I owe you guys, but I don't know what. Send me a bill or something... I updated the Webmaster's Column on Pullsite earlier today. Made some comments on that pull, and other stuff... Another thing Warren. I got 2 real good pictures of you on that lil red one. Someday when you have some spare time, take me aside n teach me the fine art of using body english when pulling a tractor. You effort won't be wasted. But upon second thought, I won't make no guarantees... Now I gotta go crank the weedwacker or fool with those June Saline pictures...