04-20-2007 07:55:09
Re: NCIATPA rules question in reply to AC, 04-20-2007 04:29:10
Id have a problem with a WC running D17 rpms. I look at it like this,, the next in line production model, which would be a WD, thats a one step up from stock, not much of a difference, but its a change none the less. If the WD45 rpm is the same as the WD, then lets call it a 45, BUT, if the 45's rpm range is higher than the WD, then thats considered a TWO step jump. Then, lets throw in a D-17,,, if the Wd and the WD45 rpm are the same, then the next step is the D-17, that makes it a THREE step jump. If the 45's rpm range is higher than the WD, then that makes the 17 a FOUR step jump. See, years back, a huge battle was fought over this subject,,, the AC pullers wanted the 17's rpm range, and did not even consider the other makes and models that they pull against in the class. So in MID stream, the rules was changed to allow the WC to run the 17's rpms, and the others remained right where they should be. When the others complained, they got the cold shoulder and was told youll have to bring that up at the end of the year meeting for rule changes,,, So from that point on, the others were getting hosed, till they upgraded all of the rpm charts to match the upgrades they GAVE the AC's. The same battle on the 460 and the 660 rpms happened, Olivers running the 310's wanted the 310s rpms instead of the 77 or 88, etc etc etc. Long story short, if the WC runs the 17's rpm, you can bet, that My H would be set at 350 rpms, +10 or 20 or 30 percent from that, that makes it fair, its either that, or we keep the rpm percentage rule to that particular model. In my case, Im stuck at 1995, at 10 percent over H rpms. Now, the AC pullers may think Im nitpicking,, well, whats good for the goose, is good for the gander, but at the time, they thought the goose was so much better and to heck with the gander, its not that way today, but it sure was dirty pool when they pulled that political crap to get their way. Also, tractors that are half aluminum, have no place in classes under div 3, I would even say div 4, but too many have class jumped and so many did it, they let it go. That kind of modification to me is considered a frame alteration. And what classes do they allow frame modifcations??? I can go on and on, but Im sure this will spark a huge argument, names called, and toes stepped on already. But its my opinion, dont shoot the messenger. Chad