Traitor -Lighten Up Guys,Please Read
05-16-2002 16:06:49
Re: Bambi's Nightmare-bought a Oliver 77 need advice in reply to Traitor-I bought a Oliver, 05-12-2002 20:42:45
It's really amazing how tight you guys can get wound-up.If you took time to read my first post, you would have realized,I was having a little fun asking a question.And also I am a still green at tractor pulling.Anyone that pulls J.D.'s knows that a J.D."B", pulling in 4500# is never going to compete with 70 H.P. "A's & "77"'s to name a few.(other then a few well known big names,that have the time,know how,and money).Secondly,if I was this "Big Timer",why would I be asking people on this board for advice about spending big money.I'd find out who the best pro builders are and contact them. All I was trying to do was get some ideas what has worked for other guys.No wonder only one person has replied about the question,who would want to post something,just to get slammed by a bunch of loud mouths. There are guys on this board that know their Sh##.The one thing I learned years ago racing snowmoblies and drag cars is there's always someone faster,and with more money.And brands really don't mean crap. It's fun to be loyal to one,the same as you cheer your local team. But come on, life is too short to wasted on B.S., acting like kids.Everyone have a great pulling season, and learn to enjoy the sport.It's only a $10.00 trophy. P.S. If anyone can fill me in on some ideas, Thanks