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10-22-2007 19:40:46

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Every one is invited to participate in the 3RD Annual S.C. State Championship Antique Tractor Pull put on by SATPA in Pageland S.C. Nov. 3 2007
There will be classes for just about any tractor or 4x4 truck.

Stock tractor from 3200 to 10700 3 mph

Stock tractor 4500 & 5500 5 mph

Stock 5600,6000& 6800 5 mph no tire limit

Cut tire classes Stock 3mph
5700 6200 6500 8700 9200 10200

Super classes 6 mph
3700 4700 7900 8400 8900

Enhanced super 12 mph
4700 5200 5700 6200 7000

Outlaw Classes 12 mph 7700 8200 8700

4x4 Truck classes
5500 stock 6200 7200
7800 super street diesel 8000 open trucks

Trophies will be given for 1st & 2nd places.
Come out and enjoy our final pull of the year.

Berry Funderburk

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B ig Mac

11-02-2007 04:37:16

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to BIG JAKE 60, 10-22-2007 19:40:46  
I am an ex-puller of two wheel trucks. I have been going to satpa pulls for over a year, I have MET THE GREATEST BUNCH OF people!. cOME ON DOWN 11-03-2007] ANDHAVE A GREAT TIME HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE.

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Hoss in Maine

10-28-2007 05:17:30

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to BIG JAKE 60, 10-22-2007 19:40:46  
Our antique tractor club has 18in centerline axe l and20in heigth,18.4 38 tirerule and a dyno, simple and no arguing. Later Hoss

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Big Jake 60

10-25-2007 15:15:41

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to BIG JAKE 60, 10-22-2007 19:40:46  
the 3MPH stock classes 5700 thru 10200 for cut tires above is for top cut only. Wanted to make it clear. sorry I wrote it down wrong. correct me if I'm wrong MMMpuller.

Berry Funderburk

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10-24-2007 20:20:28

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to BIG JAKE 60, 10-22-2007 19:40:46  
What are the rules for this SC Championship Pull? My tractor is set up for NATPA rules. The classes also got me kind of counfused. Your stock classes can have cut tires?? What then is stoping the big HP tractors from runing stock??

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south carolina puller

10-23-2007 19:42:55

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to BIG JAKE 60, 10-22-2007 19:40:46  
I said it last year and again this year.How can you have a state championship pull and have different rules than all the other clubs in the state?Ask your self this question at the state championship pull.where are the tractors from the rest of the state?

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10-23-2007 18:27:46

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to BIG JAKE 60, 10-22-2007 19:40:46  
If you appear to be a threat to the locals they'll let you pull " out of competion " or pull "outlaw". Great friendship.

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jd plowboy

10-23-2007 17:42:26

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to BIG JAKE 60, 10-22-2007 19:40:46  
we are not the only ones that had this problem. i have talked to a few more that said the same thing. why cant everyone go by the natpa rules so everyone can be the same where ever they go. we go to 8 or 10 other pullsand they are all by the natpa rules.

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10-24-2007 11:01:53

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to jd plowboy, 10-23-2007 17:42:26  
Mr jd plowboy, when I built my tractor I checked the rules of the club I would be pulling with before I started. When I go to another club, I check their rules also to see if my tractor is in compliance, I suggest you do the same. I think you may be a little confused, allow me to explain. Your tractor must comply with the club rules, The club does NOT change their rules to comply with how you built your tractor.

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jd plowboy

10-24-2007 13:20:48

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to NCThumper, 10-24-2007 11:01:53  
mr ncthumper, i talked with some of the people up there on this discussion board before we went there and they have pulled with us a couple of places and they never said their rules were different from ours down here. they watched us go on the scales and talked with us before the pull and never said anything about the hitch or the weight brackets. if your front weight bracket is 12" long on any tractor then they should have told us earlier that ours was to long. mine for ntpa rules on my allis is about 3' long. dont you think that someone would have seen that before we signed up. i am not tring to stir up trouble i just think they could have told us the rules were different before pulling time. i am not worring about the rules because we are not going back up there.

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10-25-2007 08:27:49

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to jd plowboy, 10-24-2007 13:20:48  
Question for jdplowboy.
#1 Don't you think it would be wise to ask about the rules first?
#2 If you are not coming back, What is the purpose of your posts?

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jd plowboy

10-25-2007 12:56:29

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to NCThumper, 10-25-2007 08:27:49  
the reason for my posts is everybody dont have the money to go 3 hours for nothing. i just want other people to know what they are up for. i am just like everyone else if this is going to be a sc state pulloff it should be set up with the other clubs in sc not nc. there is alot of people we have pulled with that said the same thing. i could drive a couple of miles to pull just to see what the tractor will do. we will have a pull next year from what i hear that will not have all the bickering that yall have.

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10-23-2007 16:23:18

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to BIG JAKE 60, 10-22-2007 19:40:46  
If you look at the classes offered at this year's pull, I think you can find a class you can fit into, pull and have a good time. There will always be small differences between clubs but I have neve known this bunch of people to turn anyone down from pulling that came. I was there the day you guys came and If I not mistaken you were offered a chance to still pull in the classes you signed up for but out of competition and at no charge to you. This is a great bunch of people who have as good a pull as anywhere you will ever go and are as fair as anywhere you will ever be. I know this to be a fact from all the different other places I have pulled over the years. The sport of tractor pulling should be a fun filled day of fellowship and freindlly competiton that everyone can enjoy,
because you won't get money rich pulling but you sure can leave with a pocket full of friendship and joy that you shared with other pullers. Having said all this I invite anyone with a tractor that loves pulling as much as I do to come on down to the SC State Championship Pull and have a fun filled day where I am sure we can find a class you can fit into and maybe you can leave at the end of the day with your pockets full of the one thing money can't buy, and that is friendship and happiness. So if you ain't scared, I'll see you there.

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jd b puller

10-23-2007 18:10:08

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to mmmpuller, 10-23-2007 16:23:18  
mmmm - just because there is a weight class doesn't mean you'll be legal. For example...
- some places say no weights further than 11' from center of rear axle.
- some say front of weight bracket no further than 2' from front of frame
- some places run front of weight no further than 2' from front of frame. - top cuts, full cuts, no cuts.
- Hitch height. (hopefully you can alter)
- hitch distance from centerline (seen some weird ones in areas where the AC guys make the rules)

These aren't things you can change on the fly when you get there.

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jd b puller

10-23-2007 14:26:11

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to BIG JAKE 60, 10-22-2007 19:40:46  
Jake, is there a website, or more definition, other guy brings up good point...

1. fenders required?
2. Side shields?
3. Hitch Height/distance
4 RPM limits?
5. what's "stock" powerblocks/mw kits/ stroker, etc..
6. Top cuts in stock or just bickering about whose are road worn better?
7. Tire size limits?

I can't make it, but like plowboy said, better to know the rules before you get there?

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Big Jake 60

10-23-2007 19:43:33

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to jd b puller, 10-23-2007 14:26:11  
1. fenders are not required 2. side shields only on machines which came factory.
3. hitch 20" high /24"from center of rear axle stock 18"from center of rear axle on super 4. RPMS stock 10% over factory / super 2500/ outlaw 3000 rpms
5.Our rules are stock appearing on your tractor, powerblocks and stroker kits OK factory carbs. K&N style air filters OK
6.stock classes non cut non on purpose altered tires. Super and outlaw classes full cut.all others as listed above.
7. Tire limits max stock size 18.4/38 for 7200 and up. Outlaw 30.5x24.5 max. I am not sure about the rest.
8. Our weight brackets can be no more than 1 foot from the front of the tractor frame, not sheet metal. brackets must not be farther back than the rear tires.
9. Max tractor width 8 foot.
10.Come and have a good time, no pulling club is perfect, us included. If you come I'm sure you will get the chance to pull and have a good time.

Berry funderburk

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Traveling Puller

10-24-2007 06:55:40

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to Big Jake 60, 10-23-2007 19:43:33  
Your Right No club is Perfect, But you folks don't even make an effort to be common. I too have traveled allot all over the mid west pulling, but I won't hesitate to tell you that reading what rules you posted I wouldn't waste any time or effort going to South Carolina. Your pull has home town boy wrote all over it. At least get your RPM limits in check with some neighboring associations. Good Luck on drawing a crowd your going to need it!

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10-25-2007 10:45:29

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to Traveling Puller, 10-24-2007 06:55:40  
Traveling Puller You have the name to fit what I am going to say, Point your nose either west or north and keep traveling, do not look back and don't let the door hit your rearend on the way out.

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Northern Yankee

10-26-2007 09:51:18

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to NCThumper, 10-25-2007 10:45:29  
It would be a shame for you southern boys to have to deal with some real competition from up north. That's how you guys keep yourself in the whining, I mean winning circle is rule out any real competition. You can just enjoy all your local entertainment by yourselves because it wouldn't fly anywhere else. If you think you have something big enough to play with us bring it north and we will show you different.

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Big Jake 60

10-24-2007 15:33:54

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to Traveling Puller, 10-24-2007 06:55:40  
Traveling puller, the rules in our club run fairly close with two other clubs in North Carolina in which I have pulled with in the last year. In doing so I have only had to raise my hitch to pull with another club. I have never been to the mid west to pull and wouldn't know what there rules would be so I don't know how yall would do it there. Thats how we do it here and normally have a good time with it. What may be common in one place may not be common every where.

Berry Funderburk

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jd plowboy

10-23-2007 13:36:23

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to BIG JAKE 60, 10-22-2007 19:40:46  
if anyone goes be sure your tractor is up to there rules. we made a 3 hour trip for nothing because they found everything wrong with our tractors .

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10-24-2007 05:15:06

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to jd plowboy, 10-23-2007 13:36:23  
What was the problem with your tractors? Care to tell us?

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jd plowboy

10-24-2007 13:30:56

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to AO, 10-24-2007 05:15:06  
yes AO i will tell you. first i talked to you about the pull. you pulled with us in moncks corner and the rules there are the same as we pull every where else. front weight bracket is set up for natpa rules which are front weight bracket is 11' from center of rear axle. the hitch is set up on 18" from center of axle and 20" high. there is alot more pulls around that does the same rules and some of you have been there and pulled with us. i know mmpuller is going to say that he has a differnt hitch and all for his tractors so he can change. we dont have to worry about changing because if the rules are not the same them we are not going there.

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10-25-2007 12:13:12

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to jd plowboy, 10-24-2007 13:30:56  
I'm sorry you felt the need to take your marbles and go home. I've traveled down to the low country and pulled with the 24" draw bar and the short front weight bracket and have so many times and had a lot of fun doing so also.
I don't understsnd why so many pullers get ticked off and pout.Isn't it all about fun and enjoying the old tractors and the people who fix them up and pullem.I sware sometimes one would think we were pulling for thousands of dollars. I too wish there were some way that every club would adopt the same rules letter for letter. BUT you would always have some pouters and thier answer would be to take thier marbles and go home .As for the elite NAPA puller that is from the west -mid west- north or wherever and think the home town boys down here don't know a thing about tractor pulling .I've seen so many of us who were fooled into buying some of those superior tractors and bring them in here only to find out that when they got them home they were no better than what was already around here pulling.I remember one case in paticular that the proposed tractor would not be touched by anything in this area.That was BS also. Which now don't get me wrong It is a nice tractor but to be competive the new owner had to go to work on it, so we aren't as dumb as some of you might think.

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jd plowboy

10-25-2007 13:14:51

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to DANNY HOGGE, 10-25-2007 12:13:12  
yes sir what you just said on here is that you pulled with the 24" drawbar and the short weight bracket and if you would have out pulled everyone at any of the pulls we go to then no one would have said anything because you are longer than 18" on the drawbar and shorter than the 11' from axle rule. so that said you would not have to pull out of competition at any of our pulls. if those little allis and the u moline got anyone nervous then we are sorry about it.

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10-24-2007 17:38:25

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to jd plowboy, 10-24-2007 13:30:56  
Yes, and I, like you,will not bother traveling that far to have my class decided by drawing numbers from a hat. I did not meet your rules at Moncks Corner but I pulled anyway on the worst track I have ever pulled on!!A dirt road is better than that sandy mess in the "Low Country". Again you were invited to pull free as I understand it, I paid to draw from a hat! Give it a break or just go play in your swamp.

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jd plowboy

10-25-2007 12:49:51

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to AO, 10-24-2007 17:38:25  
you are right AO i should have played in my swamp because i drove 3 hours to try to play in your swamp. that day i would have been better off in my swamp as the way the track looked. as for the mess you are talking about in moncks corner i did not have a problem with my stock oliver 88 getting first place.

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10-24-2007 15:15:29

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to jd plowboy, 10-24-2007 13:30:56  
If you look at ottpa and catpa pulling clubs rules you will see we are very similar to them, for example ottpa--stock classes 24" long and 20" high for draw bar, front weight bracket no more than 12" from front frame *** catpa--stock classes 18" long and 21" high for draw bar, front weight bracket no more than 12" from front frame. We have a mix of ottpa and catpa pullers than come and pull with us when they can and we pull with them whenever we can and we all just adjust to each others rules and go on. All any of these rules are for is to make the tractors as equal to each other as possible and to make you the driver and weight locator to make your machine out do the other mans. With all this said, why don't you come on down and try pulling your tractor against others all running as close to the same set up as possible and let the human difference come out and determine the winner. YOU are always welcome to come and pull with us!

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South carolina puller

10-24-2007 17:26:17

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to mmmpuller, 10-24-2007 15:15:29  
MMM you just said it so well. You are having the South Carolina championship pull using North Carolina rules.Your club is the only place that uses 24"long drawbar in the state.So when a stock puller from anyplace else in the state shows up for the championship pull they must pull in the super class or adjust thier hitch to a longer length that they normaly don't pull.

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10-24-2007 18:21:04

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to South carolina puller, 10-24-2007 17:26:17  
Ive been pulling in this area for years and did not know until this year that Catpa stock classes had a 18" stock drawbar length we always pulled a 24" in stock with them and did just fine. Every one in this area is 18" on super and 2500 rpm , And that rpm rule is alot more in line than a percentage.

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jd plowboy

10-24-2007 15:34:45

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 Re: S.C. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP PULL, OPEN TO ALL in reply to mmmpuller, 10-24-2007 15:15:29  
you want to know the only way everybody can be the same. that is when you pull in a stock class let everybody be stock. if you tractor is 50 hp then it should be in that range not stock appearing and being 100 hp. then that will be fair pulling

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