A disadvantage of a mag (unless its a special unit with a variable RPM based advance) is theres but one fixed advance timing setting like say 20 or 25 or 30 or 35 etc BTDC depending on its drive cup and final adjustment BUTTTTT TT if you use a distributior it has a variable RPM dependant advance timing curve so its more in time versus the actual running RPM. When she at faster RPM the timing is more advanced but as she lugs slower in RPM the timing advance drops off accordingly using a distributor ..... . If you run a mag and are at high compression they make the high performance pulling mags which have a higher strength magnetic rotor and can develop more spark gap energy plus higher voltage to arc jump the plug gap at the higher compressions. Of course if shes a non electric tractor then you go the mag route unless you wanna stick on a battery n then can run a battery powered coil ignition and a distributor..... If I was at high compression Id use a distributor (to get the variable RPM based advance) with an elec ignition switch,,,,, , a high energy high voltage coil,,,,, run a wider plug gap for a wide hot spark wooooo oo hooooo John T Retired electrical engineer