03-02-2008 05:20:44
Re: Chads in reply to Phil Munson NY, 03-01-2008 07:05:09
Yep, was in school! 4 years of FFA, Vocational Agriculture, soil judging. Also went thru the full 10 years of 4H, 10 year award, Showed horses, pigs, and exhibits,, Advanced electric, and advanced models,,, (model cars) was even the president of out electric club for 2 years!! May not be a degree holder,,, but I had fun, and learned alot. Support your local 4H and FFA. They go hand in hand. 4H fairs are where I first seen my tractor pull, they even had a class for 4H members only! Fascinating.. right? I grew up on a farm, my dad, my grandfather, and his father were all farmers, our whole community is a farming community, we worked in a machinery repair shop, millwright, loved climbing those 150 ft grain legs to haul up a 200lb drive engine by a rope, with only a small flag pole to hold onto,,,, no nets there fellas. ChadS