While you 'can' put in thinner UTF oil.. 90wt gl1 / gl3 oil was the OEM spec for it. Mind you.. 90% of the time.. a lif tthat leaks down is NOT the pump.. but rather a worn piston/cylinder under the top cover. Pop the round inspection cover with the dipstick, and lift the lift and then turn off engine.. looks for squirts and drips. Also.. you will probably get more responses if you had posted this in the 9n/2n/8n board. in any case.. R&R of the top cover / cyl / piston, and dropping the pump is only about a 9hr job start to finish and can be 100-200$ depending on if you need a new cyl or not. No rocket science involved.. just a dirty job with a bit of heavy lifting. AN I&T fo-4 manual is nice to have handy during this repair. If the pump is leaking.. the prime candidate is the 28$ relief valve.. though could be a plug or chamber gaskets too.. All in all to do a top down job.. you are talking about about 10$ in gaskets, and thent he 'hard parts' will varry depending on what you need. Soundguy