Scott, I dont know beans about if it will fit or mount or swap or any of that mechanical stuff but may be able to help you time it NO WARRANTY Bring the number one cylinder up to TDC on its compression power stroke and at that time and distributor location the points should just be breaking open and the distributors rotor tip lined up with the external tower leading to that number one cylinder. Then the next time the points break open on the next cam lobe the distributors rotor tip should be lined up with whichever cylinder fires next (you need to know the firing order) as its on TDC of its compression power stroke. I (have it hooked up and ignition on and plug wires removed but plugs hooked up n sides grounded) usually rotate the distributor to the maximum retard position/location,,,,, ,bring the number one cylinder up to dead TDC on its compression power stroke and stop right there,,,,, , then slowlyyyyy yyyyy yyyyy y rotate the distributor to the advance direction until that number one cylinder plug fires and lock her in that location. This any help at alllll l ???? Let is know, best wishes n God Bless John T