(SORRY ABOUT THE DOUBLE POST!) Hey Hey! Now here's a section I can maybe offer some advice in and be usefull for a change! LOL! I restore automobiles and have to fight steel cancer regularly. I third what Rusty said with the acid but I would recomend a good pre clean of the tank. Dump an equivalant combination of sand, .177 airgun bb's, and small gravel and rocks into the tank and then pour a quart or so of water in it. Bungee strap the tank to the wheel of your car or another tractor and run around with it at a low speed. Drain and blow out the tank then slosh a bottle of rubbing alcohol in it to completly remove the water. After cleaning the tank you need to seal it with the gas tank sealer that POR-15 makes. I can guarantee to you that this stuff will not flake off or soften up after time. This stuff is the sh*t so to speak as far as sealers go. I regularly use their rust stop/preventative products and to this date not one of my vehicles show even the slightest signs of rust. I have a peice of rusty pig iron that I coated with their regular overcoat and tied a string to and left submerged in the bayou behind us and for the 8 years it has been there it hasn't rusted through yet! POR-15 cannot be beat!