Mark - Run a #10 or #8 wire from the battery positive to one relay contact terminal. Put an inline fuse in this wire as close to the battery as possible. Continue this wire from other relay contact terminal back to the tail light pole at the trailer connector at the rear of your vehicle. (Cut and tape off the connector's existing tail lite pole feed wire) To power the relay coil, run a wire (can be #16 gage wire or smaller) from the ungrounded side of any convenient sidemarker or parking lamp on the vehicle to one relay coil terminal. Then run a 2nd wire from the other relay coil terminal to a good ground. ----- As an alternative to a relay, suggest replacing all your trailer lights with LED's. LED's reduce the trailer current draw by 90% or more. Also LED's are brighter, and they last essentially forever. The downside is LED's not cheap - markers are $7 or $8 each, and tail light assemblies about run $20 - $30. I've switched both my trailers to LED's - no more blown fuses, fussing with burned out bulbs in the dark, etc!