that is the problem with these 8 volts batteryies. Ideally they should be float charged at 9.2v. You will not readily find a charger to charge the battery properly. Open circuit voltage on a 6v "startering" booster should be sufficient to charg the 8 volt battery. Best to use a volt meter and see where you are at and what u can get with the chargrs you have. Be very careful, as you can easily overcharge the battery. You could very easily built a 3 amp charger/float charger. Just need a transfomrer, full wave bridge rectifier, filter cap, and an LM350 regulator, a few resistors to set the voltage and a heatsink. I built one for 12v batteries when they are stored, real nice. If I had some LM350s left, I'd build ya one relatively cheap. It wouldnt charge a dead battery (well it would, but it would take about a day), But would be perfect for hooking up when u park it so its always charged. Why did u get the 8 volt battery? A properly functioning 6 volt system should start it fine. Maybe convert it to 12v? just need a spare alternator, and a 12v coil and some lights, not too difficult. (not sure about the starter/solenoid on 12v tho).