You might have actually had some answers by now if you had posted this in the ford 9n2N8n forum. in any case, remove the right side round dipstick cover.. move the 3pt lever thru it's motions, and see if the control fork does indeed move the t-handle correctly to operate the control valve.. sometimes they get sticky from grit or gunk. Relief valve bad? A relief valve fails in about 3 ways.. 1, fails open... thus you have no pressure and no lift at all... or very little, and weak, if the valve is partially cracked open. You didn't report this 2, fails closed.. and you have no relief.. shock and overloads cause gaskets to blow out or crack pumps.. etc. You havn't reported this circumstance. 3, fails by being weak and opening too soon. Lift can operate.. but has less power as the relief opens too soon. You didn't report this My bet is the sticky control valve / linkage problem.. etc. soundguy