07-12-2003 14:32:42
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Farmall A Timing? in reply to Jeff Taylor, 07-11-2003 20:23:49
I'm starting to grasp at straws -- You have a distributer now? With new points and condensor? if you are satisfied with the spark, I guess it's ok. I think you are still out of time. Forgive the question, but I assume you know #1 is next to the radiator? Again set #1 to TDC. I am going to quote from the manual: 1."Place the battery ignition unit in one hand, and, with the fingers of the other hand, turn the drive lugs in a clockwise direction until the rotor arm is approximately in the no. 1 firing position. Then continue to turn until a slight resistance is felt". (I assume the resistance is the points opening) 2. "Pull out the drive shaft to disengage the gears, and then turn the driveshaft clockwise until the driveshaft lugs are about 35 degrees past horizontal or about in the same position as the drive shaft slots" (on the tractor, what the lugs fit into) "Engage the gears and press the drive shaft in with the palm of your hand". 3. Mount the unit and install bolts and washers, etc. 4. "Connect the switch cable to the negative terminal on the ignition coil" (THE SWITCH ON A MAG IS NOT THE SAME AS THE ONE ON A DISTRIBUTER, MAG HAS A GROUNDING SWITCH WITH ONE TERMINAL, DIST Switch HAS 2 TERMINALS) But if you are getting a spark, you must be ok. "Loosen the dist. mounting bolts. Set the engine on # 1 TDC. The secondary cable should be assembled properly in the coil terminal. Pull out the knob of the ignition switch and note if the ammeter shows discharge. If it does the points are closed and retarding of the dist is not necessary. If the ammeter does not show discharge retard the dist by turning the body in the same direction as cam rotation" (same as installing a mag with the top against the block) "Pull out the secondary cable and hold the free end of the cable about 1/8-1/16 inch from the dist primary terminal. Advance the dist until a spark occurs." Final check: "Place the secondary cable under the dist cap spring and place the terminal with 1/8-1/16 from the primary terminal. Crank the engine until the timing mark approaches the timing pointer, continue until you get a spark -- the timing marks should line up or be slightly past, never before TDC. Timing a distributer is no different than timing a mag. You turn until the mag trips, at which time a spark occurs. Distributer doesn't trip, you look for the spark instead. I don't have any other suggestions -- you just have to "play" with it until you get it right.