i found this, while on the web tEngine parts. Vintage/obsolete ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- ANTIQUE CATERPILLAR MACHINERY OWNERS CLUB: BULLETIN BOARD: Engine parts. Vintage/obsolete ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- By ramit (spider-ta071.proxy.aol.com - on Sunday, December 30, 2001 - 07:57 pm: Vintage Engine Machine Works: We have been supplying and re-manufacturing engine parts for over 40 years. If we don't have it or if me can't locate your engine parts we will make them. PARTS: Pistons, piston rings, gaskets, head and manifold gaskets made to order, connecting rod, main, cam shaft bearings, bushings, valves,valve seats valve springs, MACHINE WORK: One of the countrys most complete engine machine shop, specializing in VINTAGE and OBSOLETE ENGINE PARTS RESTOREATION. RE-BABBITTING: Rod bearings, Main bearings, cam shaft bearings, Bushings Re-Babbitted, Cam shaft re-grinding, cam shaft lobe build up, cam followers re-ground, Crank shaft re-grinding, crank shaft journals built up and ground, In the frame crank shaft grinding, connecting rod journals. Splines, gears, key ways re-paired,stainless steel welded, machine cut, and precision ground, Cracked: head, block, exhaust manifold welding. Aluminum welding.We are experts in metal spraying the imposible weld re-pair projects.
Pistons metal sprayed over size and cam ground to original factory specs. VALVES, valve seats made to order, valve springs, valve guides, Plesae call with your needs toll free 1.800.233.6934 e-mail 1.509.999.2119 24/7 jbvintage@aol.com www.ramengine.com Jack H. Bunton President CEO MBWA ASE Master Engine Consultant. Vintage Engine Machine Works 604 N. Freya St. Spokane, Washington 99202 By Earl D9E (pppa8-resalebangor1-1r7313.dialinx.net - on Tuesday, January 01, 2002 - 01:48 am: Link
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