While it is certainly possible that the clutch has failed, the most likely scenario is that the lined clutch plate is stuck to the flywheel and/or the pressure plate by rust or corrosion from the tractor sitting unused. Ford 'N oldtimers have been known to block the clutch peddle down with a block of wood to prevent this from happening during periods of non-use. Once it has happened, try blocking the clutch peddle down for several days, and being SURE the ignition is off, have a helper help you to roll backwards and forwards on the rear wheels as severely as you can, with the transmission in the highest gear. If this doesn't work, and he is driving it around, try to coast it downhill, and slip it into one of the highest gears, in an open area, for safety. Keep foot on clutch, and jerk tractor with brakes while working the tractor by driving back uphill. Sooner or later, the clutch plate should break free.