Sure you want to do this? If you do, you have to go to a 12v starter, starter solenoid, and voltage regulator, plus rewire half your system; probably a new (cobbled up) ignition switch. Like half now runs on neg ground and the other half on positive ground. Besides, 2 12's in parallel only supply about 80% the cranking amps the series connection delivers (cause of wire resistance). Next winter you'll regret it. I'd look deeper for the reason you are having a problem. Batteries getting equal voltage during charging? If not why not? -Battery weak, corroded leads, corroded lead terminals or connections to chassis. -Trying to use one new and one old batt or using batt of different amp hour capacity. -Water low in battery Is your battery bleeding off during times tractor is not used? Bad battery or short somewhere, leaking switch (ign or headlight or other) Is your load balanced? Are you running the same amount of amperage off both batteries? Take lights for example: One side of the tractor uses the +gnd batt and the other the -gnd batt. If both are running off the same batt, you're dead. I have a schematic for the wiring but don't remember where it is or where i got it. I might have gotten it out of the JD I&T manual for that series (4010 thru 4050). Try these suggestions and come back on. Let's talk some more. Mark