City Boy, the primary function of the condensor (capacitor) which is in paralell across the points to ground, is to extend the life of the ignition contact points. It absorbs some of the stored coil primary energy and reduces the spark intensity which normally arcs across the points when they break open. With it removed the coil can still fire, but the points will burn up quickly and the sparks not quite as strong. Its possibole for it to become bad/shorted in which case the coil wont fire, but it can still fire even with no condensor whatsoever. TROUBLESHOOTING Place a test lamp or voltmeter on the points terminal and turn on the ignition and have the plugs removed for easy cranking and slowlyyyyy turn the engine. When the points are open, there should be battery voltage present. If NOT its either cuz the coils primary is open,,,,, ,,,or theres s short in the wiring from the coil to the distributor and/or the points (like the spring etc),,,,, ,,or the condensor or its wiring is shorted,,,,, ,,,,, or the points are not opening. When the points are closed, there should be near zero volts. If not, the points are not closed down tight,,,,, ,or badly burned or pitted or carboned up,,,,, ,,,,or are miswired ir not getting a good ground. If the coil is good anytime you have its high supply side hot and then make and break the connection to ground on its low (to distributor) terminal it will fire. The points are simply a mechanical switch to make (closed to conduct current) then break (open & coil fires) the current flowing through the coil. The paralell condensor saves the points by absorbing some of the heat and arc energy across the contacts when they open. Good Luck n God Bless John T Nordhoff retired electrical engineer in Indiana