I still have a lot of work to get up to speed on this question, but I just found this website so I thought I'd throw this question out there.I now have my Dad's old 40 HP Deutz diesel tractor. He wasn't real big on maintenance, but even with that factor this baby still starts up every time. But it is leaking diesel, but you'll have to be patient with my description. It looks like a 3 cylinder, and what I'm guessing is the fuel pump (right side of engine, where 3 fuel lines run vertically to top of engine to each cylinder) has an additional fuel line (metal tube) which comes from the back side and drops straight down for about 6 inches and just stops. The end of this line drips diesel constantly (and seems to be getting worse) but is worse when the tractor starts up. The metal tube doesn't seem to have any obvious bends, so I can't figure out if 1) it used to run to somewhere else and was broken/bent, or 2) it has always been just where it is now and there is a different reason it is dripping. I know its a long shot, especially with my lack of knowledge about engines, but I thought I'd give my question a shot. Thanks for any ideas.