Harold, Theres some so called "12 volt" coils that say right on them "For use with an external ballast resistor". You may wanna check if the ones you tried are labeled as such?? Generally, 6 or 12 coils are designed to draw around 4 amps and if thats increased greatly (like doubled) they will run so hot you can barely hold your hand on them. However, that usually only happens when you run a 6 volt coil on a 12 volt system and dont use the external ballast resistor. If you could place an ammeter in the circuit and see what current she draws, that may explain the overheating as it should be around 4 amps. If too much, the points will burn up prematurely in addition to excess heat. Has the batetry been boiling over acid or outgassing?? If so, I wonder about the alternators voltage regulation circuit. The battery voltage shouldnt be rising too much over 14.5 volts at open throttle, have any idea what yours is????? ? The coil could be going bad, but thats usually folowed by failure to produce a spark and you say another coil acts the same???? which makes me wonder about the voltage and the alternators regulation circuit?????and if its really 12 volt coils that youre using as opposed to ones that require a ballast John T