Sounds like the check valve on the end of the fuel pickup, isn't working. Engine is having to work too hard to keep fuel flowing to the carb. No offense intended to this site, but if you want a good source of information on engines, I suggest that you go to Click on Smokstak bulletin board. A lot of engine people hang around there, and can answer about any engine question. There are several pages that you can click on. Classified ads for small engines ( Briggs, Maytag, etc. ) , big engines ( such as your Stover ) ,barnsale ads ( tractors, old farm equipment, etc ), and a vendor's page. The vendor's page is a good source for engine parts. Once again, that Be sure to type in engin, not enginE No offense at all is intended toward this site. I just think that the ENGINADS website has more of the gas engine crowd hanging around it.