Hello all, a big thanks to all who have helped. I hosed down the engine today with a HUGE pressure washer, and to my surprise and dismay, it started SPEWING oil from the hole the magneto bolts into- huh?? Well, uhh, I'm sure it's just a nearly impossible to get to seal. That's fine, every road has it's bumps, but: I broke a head bolt off of the right hand cylinder. I bought an EZ-out thing, and broke the drill bit inside the bolt. Splendid, I said! Well, not word for word, but I got the drill bit out with some pliars I ground down. Grea,t well, no really, cos I also broke the EZ-out off inside the bolt. I said nuts to this and put the head back on. Based on the debris in the cylinders I will have to take it off again anyway (Any ideas on how to get the EZ-out.. out?). So, this is starting to be a big project, but that's OK because I got the engine and welder head technically for $300, by trading an engine I paid $300 for, that is worth $600 street. I have big high voltage generator plans for it, so I will press on! Anyway, here's the info I promised: The bolts are roughly 4" center to center. The hole is roughly 3.2" or so diameter. The teeth curve DOWNwards. Instead of trying to explain it and bothing it thoroughly, I will post a pic here. I will email those who have parts.. Thank you all!