01-01-2004 21:40:36
Back in August, I posted a message about a stuck Model 92 I acquired. Thanks to the help of several members of this forum (most notably HappyKansan and Jeb2N), I've been working to get this little beastie back up and running. I filled the cylinder with a Diesel/ATF mix, and have been letting it soak. Due to other projects taking priority, I haven't had much time to work on it since, but last week I got a sudden attack of ambition (from which I'm now completely recovered) and decided to see of 5 months of soaking had done any good. Rather predictably, it hadn't--it was still stuck tight. After trying a few other things (most notably filling the cylinder with grease after tapping a pipe plug to accept a grease zerk) I finally broke down and pulled the con-rod bearing caps. Once I had the cylinder free, I up-ended it, built a jig from scrap lumber to hold it, and tapped the underside of the piston with a brass rod and a BFH. The piston moved slightly, so I took another pipe plug that I had tapped to accept an air fitting and blew the piston back to its original position with that. After a few iterations of this, the piston came out, along with a considerable amount of the grease I'd pumped in earlier (much to the dismay of my neighbor, who was holding on to the piston and got a pretty liberal helping of the grease on his glasses, coat, and whatever else was handy). The rings were stuck, but yielded to an overnight soak and a bit of gentle prying, and the cylinder cleaned up pretty well with a quick hone job. I also pulled the base apart and found what I believe is half of the missing check valve. The tank was filled with rust and crud. I've scraped the most of it out, and sandblasted out a bit more, but will probably call it good enough once I've got all the major loose scale out. I may try to post a picture of the piece I found in the gas tank to see if anyone can identify it.