I was just about to try getting the engine to start for the first time yesterday, when my wife said that she wanted to go to the fair. I decided, what the heck. The tractor show I had wanted to go to was rained out anyway. So I go there, and before to long, I hear the unmistakable sound of a hit & miss engine. I walk over, and there it is- my exact engine! Well almost- it was a 7hp Economy nad mine is a 6. Both are model S. But exactly like mine in every detail, except the gas filler was on the back side whereas mine is on the governor side. Amazing! I picked his brain quite a bit and got some good advice. So, I feel pretty sure mine is an Economy. There are no bolt holes for a crank cover, which would indicate a hercules. And there are all these little remnants of red paint. So anyway, I removed the fuel check valve, unstuck it (thanks for the suggestion Jim!), and put it all back together. It started right up! I have a bit of slop in the rod bearing, so maybe shims need removing. But it runs great! I did notice some out of trueness in the flywheels. Enough so that the whole trailer shakes when it is running. But I guess this is normal. There are certainly no signs of damage anywhere. So now I just need to figure out a good shade of red. And I wonder if anybody has repoduced the decals?