Simplest solution is to put wheels on both ends. On Monarch RLX-3 and -6, you may need to cut a couple of inches off the bottoms of the frame members on the side that didn't originally have wheels, so the frame sits level on the ground. Then, at each end, bolt an additional piece of angle-iron in parallel with the one that may have come with the machine, for added strength. Weld or otherwise attach an axle to this added angle-iron at each end, and add lawnmower-type wheels (available at most good lumber yards or big hardware stores). Now what you have is: the mixer can be rolled along with practically no effort. To turn a corner, lift the end you're pushing, and swing it around (no big deal). Note, if you roll it across an uneven surface, the frame may be subjected to twisting forces that can put it out of alignment. These lower-cost mixers tend to be built a bit on the light side so treat 'em carefully if you want 'em to last. Most importantly: when mixing concrete or other materials, you need to put the mixer up on blocks or it will roll back- and-forth from side to side as the concrete churns around in the drum. Depending on the height of the wheels and axles you might be able to use four blocks cut from 4x4 timber, or a larger dimension; or you could put it up on cinder blocks. Lift one end of the mixer far enough to allow the blocks to be slid under the axle or added angle- iron at that end; then lift the other end and slide two more blocks under that end. This also tends to put the machine up high enough that it will properly clear a wheelbarrow when discharging. With regard to Monarch RLX series mixers, always keep a grease gun around and grease the bushings frequently (little and often rather than a lot of grease less often) to assure the bushings don't wear out prematurely. Monarch mixers (and most similar lower-cost mixers) tend to rotate quickly enough that they don't generally like low- slump mud. If you need to mix low-slump concrete, you may need to replace the chain drive (Monarch) with a pulley and belt drive, using a larger diameter pulley to get a slower drum speed. Last but not least, with any concrete mixer, rinse out and scrub the drum and blades every half hour or more often, and do not let concrete or mortar residues start to build up or dry out inside the drum. (When mixing, add 2/3 to 3/4 of the water first, then all of the dry ingredients, and the remaining water after all the dry materials have been added; this helps keep the drum clean and also produces a more uniform mix.)