I pull wrenches for a living, and have alot of snap-on tools, as well as mac and others. I don`t know about the UK, but over here I think it`s alot like tractors. Depends on how good of a distributor you have. People can talk about how over priced they are, and I would agree to a point, but they also come right to my door. For the tools that earn me a living, I don`t have the time or energy to run 40 miles to my nearest sears, or send broken tools in and wait weeks for them to return. I`m not totally defending snap-on, I have a great Mac dealer as well, same story there. Mac makes great tools, but really aren`t any cheaper than snap-on. I don`t think your right about the snap-on/bluepoint thing though. The way I understand it is that bluepoint is often their outsourced(cheaper tools). You can buy snap-on wrenches that aren`t polished, I have two sets of em. The bluepoint socket sets, screwdrivers, wrenches, air tools, and pliers sets that I`ve seen recently have no resemblance to the snap-on counterparts. I would guess these are the imported tools...