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Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names

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John B.

04-02-2013 15:28:03

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How many buildings do you have on your farm or acreage and what do you call all of them?

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04-03-2013 07:56:08

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
This thread strongly reminded me of my Dad"s farm and its particular "departments". I put the original (Dutch) name in the list and made an attempt to translate/explain it.

1. Schuur->Barn
2. Wagenkeet->Machinery shed
3. Bunker->Bunker, lean to to machinery shed
4. Varkenshok->Hog house
5. Zeugenhok->Sow house
6. Silo->Silo, concrete, half under ground and half above ground
7. Loods->Laundry and Slaughter Outbuilding
8. Hanenhok->Rooster house
9. Kippenhok->Hen house
10. Rieten hok->Lean to to hen house, with thatched sides

Hendrik, from The Netherlands

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04-03-2013 06:03:56

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
We had a Light House that used to house the Delco Generator. Before rural electricity.

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04-02-2013 21:27:39

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
Lets see...
1. House (there had been two house but the old house was torn down and burned once thw new house was completed around 1940)
2. Out house
3. Smoke House
4. Garage
5. Play House
6. Garden Shed
7. Machine shed
8. Corn Crib
9. Grainery(a two story building that was grainery on top and a pig styheifer shelter
10. Silo
11. Barn (it had been two barns and had a chicken coop built into one end before we converted to Grade A milking)
12. Milk house
13. Bus shelter (where we kids could wait out of the snow and wind waiting for the bus at the end of the driveway)

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Bill in colo

04-02-2013 21:06:25

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
At the corral (homestead I lived at until I was 17.0)
power house wash house, today Cake house
coal house
chicken house
Gas house for storing gas,oil and distillate in 55gal drums
shop tractor shed
cow barn today calving shed
cleaning shed to clean seed wheat
combine shed

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04-02-2013 20:06:39

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
1, big barn for feeding cattle
2 silo & receiving room
3 very long narrow machine shed, corn crib & shop combination
4 Hog farrowing house
5 2 chicken houses
6 Unused brick milk house
7 large 3 bedroom house

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04-02-2013 19:52:41

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
1. Farm house pre 1930
2. barn pre 1930
3. shop 1984
4. machine shed 1954
5. chicken coop 1954 (I don't know if it really was a chicken coop/house but that's we think it was)


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04-02-2013 18:48:46

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
1 Old house
2 New house
3 Chicken house turned machine shed
4 Grainery
5 Mower shed
6 Morton shed
7 Shop
8 Big Barn
9 Big crib
10 old crib
11 White machine shed
12 Old machine shed
13 Gas house
14 Hay shed
15 Hog house 16 Hog house out north
17 Old Garage
18 Cattle shed
19 Almost forgot the 1 holer

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04-02-2013 18:40:07

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
Same as most of the others, but we have a Summer Kitchen between the garden and the house with a stove for canning.

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04-02-2013 18:35:00

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
When I worked at a large thoroughbred breeding farm we had the 40 barn as in stalls, the 20 barn the 6 or quarantine barn, the stallion barn, the machine barn and the 24 stall foaling barn. We also had names for the paddocks on the 600 acres.

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04-02-2013 18:31:44

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
Growing up we had these buildings;

2.Shop-originally the woodworking shop turned summer kitchen and wash house, just a junk hole when I was young.
3.Meat house-originally for smoking meat but used for keeping the lawn mowers.
4.Coal house-originally for coal and wood for the kitchen stoves, used for tools and junk.
5.Little chicken pen
6.Big chicken pen
7.Peepie pen, for baby chicks
9.White House-a three seater outhouse, so named as it was the only building pained white, or so I was told.....
10.Pig pen
11.Wagon shed-you name it, it was in there
12.Old barn-original homestead bank barn
13.Old corncrib
14.New corncrib
15.New barn or Dairy barn-built when Dad got in to selling Class one milk
16.Pole barn-pole barn addition to dairy barn.
17.Other barn-bank barn on neighbor farm Dad acquired.
18.Turk's Barn- barn on another neighbor farm that we rented and maintained.

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Paul from MI

04-02-2013 18:16:26

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
Two buildings. Old barn
New barn

Original, huh!

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04-02-2013 18:06:12

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
The north shed (parking for all tractors/trailers).

The machine shed (old pole barn from when it was a dairy).

The gas house (that needs to be knocked down).

The generator shed.

The dog house (a one car-sized garage used as the house for the dogs. Heated and Air Conditioned).

The old chicken house.

The north chicken house.

The chicken house/milk house (was the dairy's milk house but now the chicken house for layers. Also the pump house for the stock tanks and garden water).

The sheep shed (even though we have no sheep and the cattle use it).

The hog houses (two side by side).

The garage/car shed.

The house.

There is also the foundation from the big barn that blew down. I wanted to push it all in, but instead it got filled with dirt and turned into a flower garden. You win some, you loose some.

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JD John

04-02-2013 17:56:27

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
1. Milking Parlor
2. Freestall Barn
3. Heifer Barn
4. Shop
5. Pole Barn
6. The Old Heifer Barn(where the old tractors stay)

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Adirondack case guy

04-02-2013 17:47:06

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
Not on our farm, but about 14 miles to the west of me on a southern slope.
Loren, the Acg.

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Adirondack case guy

04-02-2013 18:01:17

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to Adirondack case guy, 04-02-2013 17:47:06  
third party image

Still having problems posting pics. second try.

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Dan in Ohio

04-02-2013 17:13:25

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
I have two barns, the old barn , and the tractor barn (named by my heating contractor). My two year old grand daughter calls the latter the "yucky" barn and she has not even seen the old barn yet. Oh we'll, made me get out the broom anyway.

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04-02-2013 16:43:18

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
1. our house -- "Home Sweet Home"

2. former hoghouse turned into shop -- "our home away from home"... well it is at least a few yards. :) ... also called "the shop"

3. one stall garage -- "old garage"

3. grainery (converted to pole shed) - "new garage"... or sometimes "the garagery"

4. old chicken coop - "the tractor museum-go-round" (from Mr. Roger's neighborhood)

5. corn crib w/machine shed in-between -- "the crib"

6. barn -- "barn"

7. where our water comes from -- either " the well-house" or "the pump-house"

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04-02-2013 16:49:28

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to SweetFeet, 04-02-2013 16:43:18  
8. How could I forget... the outhouse -- usually "the outhouse", though it has been referred to in more creative ways.

Site would not let me edit in Modern View, even though I just logged in there. In fact, on "the other side" - my reply does not show up. Must have to do with recent changes...but I thought I was good to go, after I logged in there the other day. Hmmm.

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formerly ny bill

04-02-2013 16:24:53

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
1. main barn/milking parlor/new part(built 9 years after the main barn)
2. heifer barn
3. dry cow barn
4. hay barn (for round bales)
5. red building (for grain ready-to-use)
6. granary for shell corn
7. shop
8. scale building- truck scales
9. ice house
10. pig shed
11. the wakeman barn- farm next door- has square bales of hay and straw upstairs and the toybox 1 story addition
12. wakeman machine shed

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04-02-2013 16:17:19

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
The front of the main barn
The rear of the main barn.
The hog shed
The cattle lean to
Moms Garden Shed.
The big lean to The little lean to
The Corn Crib.
The small portable Shed.

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Mike (WA)

04-02-2013 15:48:40

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
On the place I grew up, we had the loafing shed, the milkhouse, the chicken house, the dynamite shack (an old storage building where there was some old dynamite, with nitorglycerin drooling out of it- us kids could play in the shack, as long as we didn't touch the dynamite. How did we ever make it to adulthood?), the garden shed, grandma's trailer, the cellar, and the outhouse.

When I was a teenager, dad and I burned the dynamite in a bonfire. He said it was perfectly safe if you didn't jar it. And we burned it without incident.

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04-02-2013 16:51:57

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to Mike (WA), 04-02-2013 15:48:40  
I remember when we moved out to my grandfather's place there was dynamite fuse lying around everywhere. No dynamite, which is probably a good thing for me. Apparently back in the 50s dynamite was a standard hardware store item; I remember my father buying a few sticks to try to blow through a rock at the bottom of a well he had dug. (Didn't work; he had to move over several yards and re-dig.)

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04-02-2013 15:41:23

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
now i have machine sheds, one corn crib and the grain bins. growing up we had the milk house, pig shed, chicken coop, cow barn, tool shed, pump house, brooder house, and machine shed.

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John B.

04-02-2013 15:34:16

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:28:03  
Back home we had 12 buildings.

1. Wash house,
2. Tool House, 3. Feed house for the chicken feed
4. Chicken house
5. Another chicken house
6. Brooder houses
7. Another Brooder house
8. Well house
9. Barn
10 Fruit Shed where we sold our summer produce
11 Outhouse
12 Quonset

I've been told that there were two other barns on the homestead years ago but they burned at one time. You could still see the bricks from the foundation in the field when we worked the ground.

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Kow Farmer

04-02-2013 16:45:49

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 Re: Tonight's Feature Farm Buildings Names in reply to John B., 04-02-2013 15:34:16  
I have only a few buildings left, since I moved to my farm so many old buildings were so decrepid I pushed them out in the field with my tractor and front end loader and burned them. So now I have the following buildings left on my farm. Besides the house.
1. Old dairy barn for my beef cattle.
2. Machine shed/vehicle shed.
3. Kow shack---4 wheeler sorage shed for Kawasaki 4 wheelers.
4. Well house/pump house.
5. Old red tire shack.
Kow Farmer (Kurt)

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