It sounds like you are getting shafted somehow. At the same time, what you have said doesn't add up either. Certainly you are ticked & might have a right to be, but please take care to place the blame where it belongs. It could be your individual dealer, or a leasing co, or you for not reading all the fine print, or possibly Chrysler itself. I think Chryslet is the last in line tho, so be careful on who you are trying to blame.... When I bought my Dakota pickup a dozen years ago I ordered it as built. When it came the dealer said he forgot a $100 fee or bill, if I would be nice enough to pay that extra. Obviously, I stll remember that as fresh in my mind. What a jerk of a dealer. No, I just grinned at him, & wrote out the full payment as we had agreed upon. If he had said one more word, I woulda been happy to offer to open up the purchase contract we agreed to - corn hadgone down 20 cents that year between ordering & delivery, so I woulda been happy to 'account' for errors in that time period if he wanted to. I don't blame Chrysler for this. Just a dumb dealer. And I had read the fine print, so I knew where I stood at the time. I would not pay any money 'extra' unless it was spelled out which clause of the lease & what to for it was all about. Security deposits are, by their very name, paid before and refunded if the dealer feels like it. That's not what this is. Vehicle leases are generally a racket, so many people go for them - just like credit card debt. People ain't thinking when they get into this kinda stuff. Kinda starts out your fault for doing a lease to begin with..... There were better ways to get a vehicle. jmho --->Paul