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How do you stop trespassers?

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08-27-2001 20:48:00

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I know this is off the ususal subject, but I've always gotten good advice from this forum and could use a little now... The new neighbor who moved in a year ago seems to have no regard for boundries. Let me explain; His dog swims in my pond stirring up the sediment. His kid fishes in my my pond. He has cut firewood from my woods. After repairing his fence, he left 2 feet of wire in my yard which tore up my garden tractor. I've called him on the carpet about all these things, and there's been no more of it (except for the fishing). Now daddy bought johnny a new dirt bike and guess where he went on day one?.. Right through my property! And all while daddy sat and watched. I've finally had it and called the local cops, who handled things very well. The guy says "I don't understand what the problem is,you've got plenty of land". He even argued with the cops on this, calling me the "A- Hole". I've already put more insurance on the pond... I don't need some kid smashing his head against a tree, then the stupid parents suing me for all I've got. Am I an "A-hole" here, or do I have a point. All answers for and against are welcome, and thanks for the input... Jim

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G Taylor human behaiviour

08-31-2001 09:23:40

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
The only way to get people to change their behaviour is the immediate price. If someone knows that immediately or very soon they will be punished or rewarded enough to compensate for their change of actions then alternatives happen. That is the primary motivation of 90% of the population 90% of the time.

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08-31-2001 07:57:17

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Jim, I just spent the last hour and a half reading all of the responses to your question. A couple got sidetracked with politics and pettiness but I think the majority are with you.
I have personally experienced trespass problems from since I can remember, 50 plus years. There obviously is no easy answer or uniform means to convince some people that you have "private" property.
I particularly liked the guy with the JD4020 and 4 bottom plow. That took some brass b---s.
The past 4 years have been particularly trying for us because of a field next to us. The owner has ignored a court order to secure the property and the township is making no effort to force compliance. I have video and still pictures with dates and times of dirt bikes and 4 wheelers. I have a multitude of written documented pages to support the video and pictures. I have even written to the court that the owner is ignoring the court order. I guess money talks, at all levels of our government. Good luck in solving your particular problem without losing your sanity or property or both.

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08-29-2001 19:33:13

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I own some acres in PA and was told to post he property with "PRIVATE PROPERTY, NO TRESPASING, NO HUNTING, TRAPPING OR FISHING". That's in case some one thinks they can do as they please on your property and get hurt in the process

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08-29-2001 08:05:57

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  

It’s a tough situation and it looks like you’ve been given some good suggestions below.

Our family lives out in the “boonies” of eastern NC, and we’re blessed to have 10 wooded acres on a large reservoir. I’ve been surprised at the number of people who will come driving down our half mile long gravel drive with a boat in tow looking for a place to put it in.

But let me philosophize a little on the root of the problem.

Our society has moved away from a basic respect for individual and property rights. A collective mentality has taken over in this country and has gradually eroded respect for either. If the nation thinks it is OK to take more from people who have more and distribute it to others, why shouldn’t one of its citizens think it is OK to use your property a little bit?

Both ideas are wrong and have at their root the same evils, namely jealousy, greed and a willingness to steal.

I doubt that trend in thinking can be reversed. History doesn’t seem to suggest these things get better until the time when they finally collapse (aka the former USSR). But if you wanted to help slow that trend, you might consider voting for libertarians (they might be a bit strange, but they will always respect your property rights) or for the most old fashioned politically incorrect arch-conservative candidate in any election. Somebody like Walter Williams or William F. Buckley.

Moving on from the political point of view …

Being “neighborly” is a good and Godly thing. Your neighbor isn’t being neighborly, and he’s putting you in a situation where you aren’t going to feel very neighborly towards him. It is his responsibility to treat you and your property with the utmost in respect and he hasn’t done either.

A proper relation between neighbors starts with expecting nothing and yet being always willing to offer friendship. That’s the kind of starting point that blossoms into friendships and neighborly assistance. No one starts by taking any liberties or even asking for them. Every step begins with an offer. That’s precisely the kind of neighbor that moved in to the property next to us about a year ago. They’re an elderly couple raising a granddaughter. Since they were driving her to the same school we were driving one of our daughters to, we offered to take her. They didn’t ask, we offered and they accepted. On the first day, they had their granddaughter walk to our house so we wouldn’t have to pick her up and she was there before it was time to go. They didn’t want us waiting on her or having to go out of our way at all.

So we offered to pick her up and they accepted. And they offered us their excess eggs and the opportunity to pick some of their excess butterbeans. And earlier this spring when I was working hard to spread a load of top soil with a shovel, my neighbor drives his tractor over to the property line, gets my attention and offers to come spread it for me with his tractor. (That was before I bought a ’49 Cub.)

Good neighbors are a wonderful blessing. Bad neighbors are people to pray for.

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08-29-2001 06:12:14

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Seems to be a lot of bitterness on this subject. When i was growing up in the 50"s we hunted on other peoples land and they hunted on ours. Didn't need any signs then. I gave neighbor boy permission to cross my yard with his 4 wheeler any time. The boy will grow up and the grass will grow back, And we will still be good neighbors.

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08-29-2001 11:36:25

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 Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to lc, 08-29-2001 06:12:14  
yea, i remember those days, long gone my friend (where i live anyway). give permission to cross yard now, end up in court fighting an adverse possession case. and unless you have documented proof you will loose. in virginia time for adverse possession is 15 years. but VA DOT tried to claim some of my property after three. if there had not been a date ingraved in buried concrete pipe they would have won and i would have been in jail, buts thats another story. what you are talking about is respect. what we are talking is lack of respect or even worse the feeling that land owner owes someone something because of size of land, some percieved class system, or some other grouping of landowner. if you own land and don't know what adverse possession (hope spelling is correct) is, then you had better find out real quick, real quick. it only takes a few or one to mess up fishing, hunting, walking, etc for all. is some cases if you allow one and don't allow all, you will be labeled.

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08-29-2001 03:17:34

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Have a family picknik on their nice manucured lawn (that is if they have a nice lawn) Maybe they will supply the drinks.

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08-28-2001 19:42:15

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Your question really hit a sore spot for me. Nothing gets my hackles up faster than trespassing. I had a an hour or so a while back where I had nothing to do, and started a log of trespassing incidents I could remember. I had four pages and over 50 incidents, and I know that I missed several that came to mind afterward. I would make several observations, in no particular order. My dad had trouble with a neighbor's trespassing, I'm having trouble with his sons and grandsons. Before you undertake any actions, you should talk at length with your lawyer - you may well find that you have little you can do about the problem. Catching the culprits may be harder than you think - they can strike any time of the day or night. When you do, all you may be able to do is to ask them to leave. Law enforcement agencies put pretty low priorities on trespassing complaints, even when you can identify your culprit. Any traps or devices placed to do hurt to them or their vehicles is illegal, and likely to put YOU in jail. Even when you win, you loose. You are vulnerable to any mischeif, malicious destruction of property, or whatever. You'll be looking over your shoulder constantly. I know, I've been there. I finally caught a trasspasser a few years ago, and the DNR officer slapped him and his buddy with a ticket - cost him a whole $60, and he was back trespassing a week later.

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08-29-2001 15:46:28

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 Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to RayP(MI), 08-28-2001 19:42:15  
Confiscate his equiptment the next time you catch him, you have that right in Michigan. Have the law there to back you up.. it can get ugly....

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08-28-2001 18:17:44

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I hate to say this but, unless you put signs up saying that "the road maybe dangerous to travel on" you can be liable for any damages to vehicles, people's and etc if you put things like nails in the road, wire snairs, etc.. AND YOU WILL BE SUED!!! My only recomendation is to put up NO TRESPASS Signs and be ready to right down hunting license number's, license plates, etc. Turn them in and let the local law enforcement have there fun. Also, the idea about the dog making it to the fence idea could get you sued also. Anybody who knows my viscouse Greyhound will tell you that "yes, she can run VERY,VERY fast. But she wouldn't know what to do if somebody looked cross eyed at her." One idea I was told to do by a hunter was to "give him the property so I would't have to worry about it any more" you get the idea about that _____ _____ _suggeation.

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08-28-2001 17:13:02

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I am ATV rider and i have respect for nature, so
don't try to speak for all of them.


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Weekend Farmer

08-28-2001 17:11:32

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I have 2 instances I'd like to add.
The first one was at the camp/farm (see>Link

The second is where I live. I have 20 acres behind my house. When this house & the similar one next door were for sale the neighbor opted to buy the cheaper one without land. They figured it is just open land, no one will care if we run our snowmobiles & let our kids/dog play there. It seems that all their unfair neighbors won't let them do that anymore.

Some people can't understand the concept of if you want to use some land then buy some (I've been penny pinching all my life to get what I have). For the cost of a new atv they could buy a nice little piece of dirt.

Sorry, i'm starting to rant

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08-28-2001 16:42:16

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I had simalar problems. One day I was walking my pasture fence, and I found some beer bottles. They even had some beer in them. I was upset, because if my horses had stepped on them, I would at least have a big vet bill. I heard something, lookde up and found a guy in a tree stand, 100 feet into my posted property. He was drinking beer and throwing the empties on my pasture. I yelled a bit and he has'nt been back. I recruited a avid hunter buddy to hunt. He polices the area real good. Irv

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08-28-2001 16:33:29

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Did you ever see a 4-wheeler with a flat tire?
You can't move it,period.

Forty shingle nails placed where you don't drive,
and they do will get you a onsite picture. Make em rusty,leave in coffee can, with water and
salt., aged to perfection, looks deceving in a tire.

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08-28-2001 15:53:19

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I've had the same trouble here, check your local/state laws reguarding trespassing. Here in Michigan, if you catch them, their personal property becomes yours. I sold back a nice dirt bike(motorcycle)to the (city)kid down the road that moved in a few years back for $500.00 (the amount of damage he did) he just kept insisting to ride on my property, so the 12 guage detained him until the police came. He hasn't been back since. I still need to catch the clown that keeps stealing my tree stands. What happened to the good old days when you could post your property with "TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT, SURVIVORS WILL BE PROSECUTED" ????

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Steve W

08-28-2001 13:59:03

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I can't help you with the kids, but the dog is an easy fix. I had this crazed Rotweiler coming around and growling at my kids. I went and talked to the owner, but they thought since they lived in the country, they could let that thing run.

I got some dog chow, and a piece of rope, and when this dog came the next time, it didn't take long to get him tied up in the barn.

For three days the owners were driving up and down the road looking and calling for him, his kids were crying, etc.

On the fourth day I called him and said come get your dog. Of course I had fed the dog well, and I had taken good care of it (it isn't the dogs fault), but I told him the next time he came on my property he might disappear. He never has been back.

Might work on the kids too! lol

Take Care

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Pollack Pete

08-28-2001 12:54:31

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I have the same problems in upstate New York.I get so pissed off at these trespassing jerks that my blood wants to boil.But,you can't touch them.And heaven forbid,set a trap for them.Just look in your local yellow pages under lawyer.Pages and pages of them just waiting for the punks to hire them and suck your money away.It's too bad that you have to provide a safe place for people to tresspass.I could go on and on but the blood pressure is rising.Pollack Pete

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lock load

08-28-2001 11:55:34

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I hear you talkin Jim! We have the same problem of some trash using our private road. It is one mile long and goes past their house. They cut their fence and began using our road (but had no interest in helping to blade it or cut weeds or plow snow off it or pay for gravel). They even called the sheriff when we put up our own fence where they cut their fence. Called us the A-holes! Well "garbage out garbage in". The sheriff was not sympathetic to either of us (too far from a donut shop I suppose)but he did tell the white trash, who was treaspassing, that if they tore our little portion of the fence down he would have to site them for criminal mischief and treaspassing. The fence is still up. Makes for tense moments at the local small town grocery now and then. But, I can handle that. Jim, stick by your guns and don't let the SOB get you.

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01-17-2004 09:38:29

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 Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to lock load, 08-28-2001 11:55:34  
We had someone cut our fence, paintball our animals and house, damaged some class old cars, and steal tools from us. We call the police and they said all we could do was file a report, that it was probable kids and there really wasn't anything they could do about it without catching them in the act. We would have to have pictures of them doing to prove it. Doesn't seem right to me and they gave no other suggestions as to what to do about it. They dropped it with just a commplaint report. Any suggestions?

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08-28-2001 10:08:06

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I never acutally did this but when people kept parking in our yard to walk through our yard to go fishing or canoeing from our dock, I always wanted to take Granddaddy's old VAC case and park it like an inch from their car so they couldn't move it. "Hey, sorry man, just had to park the tractor somewhere." Maybe one day i will do that but until it gets any worse i reckon just ask people not too. most people respect that.

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Bob Kerr

08-28-2001 10:05:45

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I know exactly the problems you are having. My Dad has gone through the same thing. The kid "down the road" even once tried to steal his bulldozer to get one of his drunk friends truck out of a pond over on their place. They tried to roll start it right out of the shed and then when it didn't start they left it sit out in the rain. They tore up our place with dirt bikes and caused a washout on a steep hill to get started, which are very hard to stop once they get going. Some other kids down the road recently were stealing 4 wheelers and when they found out they were going to get busted , took them over to our place and dumped them in the lake.Some other kids that live that direction , and it may have been the same bunch decided our place might be a good spot to start a "wacky tabbakky farm". Just last year I caught a kid on a riding lawn mower mowing a path back to our lake so he could fish. He is not the only one who sneakes back there as I find beer cans and other trash just thrown on the ground every month. I put up a rail fence on the path that was started by Idiots on 4 wheelers who "think that is the only way to enjoy nature" when in reality they are just lazy bastards who don't know what thier feet were made for. Of course my fence only lasted 2 weeks before someone tore it down. When I bushhogged a big multi flora rose bush and shoved it into the path , they just went around it. I really like the idea of confiscating the things these people bring with them. I think I could start a used 4 wheeler dealership. Too bad the real old method of a shot gun full of rock salt will only get you locked up for attempted murder, even though I never heard of anyone getting killed by flying rocksalt.But most people who got hit by it sure learned quick and then told all their friends!I saw a post that went something like this a while back and thought it was a great idea! Since most of the idiots are ignorant and would belive any sign you would put up that didn't say "No Trespassing" take a look at how the signs are made for the state recreation lands where you live. Make one that looks "official" and put some thing like this on it. for example "Indiana Dept Of Natural Resources Copperhead and Water Moccousin Refuge and Re Establishment Area. Not A Public Area".You might have to change the official name slighly like just "Indiana Natural Resources" to keep the State boys off your rear.That would still work since most people would automaticly assume it meant the state if the colors and style of the sign were close. I would suspect you will see a sharp decline in trespassers! If someone asks you about it, don't tell them any different, just say it is an experiment in rabbit and small mammal control and leave it at that, they will belive it! Word will get around quicker than a wild fire in gun powder factory , you know how small towns are!. As far as the guys dog goes, here in Indiana we have what is known as a "state wide leash law".It was enacted to clear up issues(nice term for loopholes in the law) dealing with dog attacks and damage on private property. If the guy just lets his mutt run loose and it comes on your place you can catch it and call the pound. After dealing with the guys at the pound and paying the fines I bet his dog will be coralled in the future.If not catch it and call the pound again , he will get tired of paying fines and if he doesn't go get the dog, the pound will take care of the problem.Good luck!

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Jon D

08-28-2001 09:59:07

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
This is an interesting topic you brought up. We live in Central Jersey which is being built up really bad. Even though I'm just a kid, it angers me so much that people think they can just come on your land and do whatever they want. If we were to take a tractor across their lawn, they'd have us locked up for years. As my dad always said, "If they can afford to buy these ******* dirt bikes, why can't they afford to buy some land to ride them on?!!!!" on one of the farms we rent, one of the near by homeowners took about 3 wheelbarrows worth of top-soil leaving a hole about 2 feet deep which was kind of easy to find when our disk-bine fell in it. Once again, if we took top-soil from their property, we'd be locked up for robbery. We have to put up with stuff like this all of the time. If you can, you should definetly pursue this leagally.

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08-28-2001 08:37:08

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
When I bought my property a few years ago, I had a similar problem. The neighbors would come down my 1/2 mile drive and cut thru my pasture to get to theirs instead of driving around. I never saw who was doing it, but I could see the tire tracks. When it rains they tore up my field. I spoke with them and they claimed it was not them. So I put up a fence around three sides of my property. EXPENSIVE!. Came home one day to find the lock and chain cut! Replaced. A week later cut again! Called the County Sherrif! No good. Then I went to the extreme and drove nails into 1x4s and lined the field. As I was coming home a wrecker was in my pasture stuck trying to pull a 1.5ton truck full of hay out of my wet pasture. I blocked the drive and called the sheriff and told them they would wait on the sheriff and my lawyer since I would be sewing them and the wrecker company for tresspassing, damage to property, etc. The wrecker driver stated to the deputy that he was told that it was their property. I did not sue, and the threat worked for about a year. Then I found a corner of my fence cut and a well travelled path thru it. Mended the fence and called him. He denied it but so far so good.

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08-29-2001 07:38:07

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 Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to David, 08-28-2001 08:37:08  
Hi David:

I enjoyed the pictures of your place. Always sorry to hear about a neighbor damaging another neighbor's property. If only everyone would obey the "Golden rule", 90% of the laws in this Country could be repealed.


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08-28-2001 07:42:17

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  

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08-28-2001 18:42:32

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 Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to ROD, 08-28-2001 07:42:17  
What would Jesus do? He killed people that pissed
him off.

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08-28-2001 06:41:52

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Sure you're not one of those hudson boys?, your problem is very similar to mine. ponds,4 wheeler trails, trash, people cutting Christmass trees, tornup roads from people getting stuck in wet weather. the only thing that helped me was to fence farm in hi-tensile fencing, electrify it with an expensive fence charger. i have to unlock and lock gated as i pass them. if i were to leave a gate open, go over on the farm to do 4 hours work, i would find trash on the farm road when i came back. I tried to explain to trespassers that i don't come into their back yard and do these things. logic does not work, you are dealing with people who don't care. they outnumber you and some of them have 24 hours a day to trespass. i guessing you don't have 24 hours of free time to guard your land. there's no way your are going to be able to protect your land with out some type of defensive boundry. Like others have said, don't make the constant pressure make you react over the top, or you not them will go to jail. If i could put together a 12v powered/remote camera i would, but haven't gotten to that yet. good luck

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John Ne.

08-28-2001 21:37:52

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 Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to rhudson, 08-28-2001 06:41:52  
Check the hunting magazines, Sports Afield, for a sensor controlled camera mount, made for checking deer populations, it could be set to go off whenever someone drives by, and be camouflaged. John in Ne.

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Jerry B

08-28-2001 06:32:54

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Gary gave very good advice. Warn the trespassers IN FRONT OF THE POLICE that they are to stay off of your property. That way you have a legal witness on your side. Post "no trespassing" signs in plane sight so the offenders will have to see them as they approach the property. Then video tape them violating the warning. You then have legal grounds to prosecute.

In Kentucky, if you do not have signs posted then you have little recourse. However, with signs posted clearly, you can get a first degree trespassing conviction.

Next time he calls you an a-hole tell him that you can be anything you want to be on your own property.

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John Ne.

08-28-2001 06:28:57

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Seeing more of this, seems the city bred concept is that open farm land is OPEN, they can't fathom that it is just as private as their 35x35 back yard, Document is great, be sure to get the dates of the trespass, and a video cam is great too. If he cuts your property fence, get him for destruction of property, and calling the cops gets documentation too, as in an established history that he won't stay off, should any thing else happen in the future. John in Ne.

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08-28-2001 06:12:08

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I had the same problem. guy buys next place down road and instantly knows where all property lines are. Then proceeds to go beyaon that another 50 feet to build fence. Everytime try to talk to him he goes beserk because I have more land than him. Finally had lines run by lincensed survayor and marked with line post on site from one to another. Sold him 4 acres to get line away frfom his house at a bargain (used this to get him to agree to lines, had him sign agreement to abid by landline). When he moved fence to new line just could'nt resist running it around some choice trees that were mine. Called his hand on this and informed him very plainly that I had paid to run landlines, sold him 4 acres at less that 1/3 market value and that he would abid by the landlines. Since then have had no more trouble. of course he has'nt spoke since but that is fine also.

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08-28-2001 04:53:00

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Sounds like you've got at least one decent cop (the one who handled the call). In that case, I'd suggest you talk to them about what your rights and obligations are under the law, as well as what they see as working and not working in your area for problems like yours.

But you will also have to weigh out the possibility of winning the battle and losing the war. Some people are truly scum. Not saying that these neighbors are or are not, I don't know. But if they are the type who will wage war against you, you must weigh that consideration. Having your house burned down, etc.

Remember, no man-traps. No secret pits, no wires strung between trees to gulitone the kid, etc. If you ever do any of those things, you will lose it all to these neighbors. No matter how tempting and reasonable they seem.

The American legal system is set up to defend the criminal, and prosecute the victim. Always remember that when you are playing the game. It helps you to win.

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08-28-2001 04:40:22

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
whatever happened to a little common sense as to keepin' your butt off someone else's property? when i was growing up if i wanted to hunt or fish or just walk on the neighbors land, i had to first ask my parents and then get permission from the landowner. i see nothing wrong in that. a lot of parents apparently do not want to teach their children to respect others property.

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08-28-2001 04:15:36

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
In Virginia you can get a no tresspass warrant it
will be served by the sherriff's dept and it makes
it easier to get a tresspassing conviction.Iwould
also recomend getting a video camera to document their activities.

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08-28-2001 04:02:24

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
NO!!! you're not the a-hole here. Good advice below. If you don't want to get a lawyer, and nobody would blame you there, be sure you document, document, document!!!
A possible olive branch would be to extend a privilege to the neighbor such as letting the kid fish in the pond occasionally, with PERMISSION each time. Or whatever might suit YOU.
Good luck to ya. These problems are no fun and can cost you a lot of money and grief.

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08-28-2001 04:00:04

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Had the same problem about 2 yr. ago . They bought 4 a. but thought they had 400 . I`m generaly very easy going but one time in his face tellin him the way life is up this dead end road I did`nt have much more of a problem . The new trailer is he set in there is now being forclosed on and he went to Tenn. , I feel sorry for you guys down there . I like that elec. fence idea . Here in IN. if you post your propety then run it in the paper you can put him in jail . Get a camera for some proof . Dont worry I`m a A-hole to but I`m the A-hole that pays the taxes !!!

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Ken McWilliams

08-28-2001 03:42:35

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Much of the attitude has to do with today's culture. Particularly with the Marxist public education system.

"What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine".

Author-----Robert Frost?

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08-28-2001 09:04:01

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 Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Ken McWilliams, 08-28-2001 03:42:35  
I live in one of those big towns that at one time was small.. I stop trespassers the easy way I get big signs that say watch out for Dogs and watch out for Crazy farmer.. One sign says dog makes it to fence in 3.1 scounds how fast can you run from here? Then theres a tumb stone that reads they did not beat dog to fence. once in a great while I find one that might try and I show them the out and give them there sign..STUPID Do you ever think that they get the hint. A sign every 100 feet and yet I guess they just can not read.My dogs get alot of running every day but that is okay because they would just seat around and get lazy and fat.

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Bob Kerr

08-28-2001 13:19:55

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 Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to bkzap, 08-28-2001 09:04:01  
Here is a good sign I saw once in southern IN, It said "NO HUNTING, NO FISHING, NO TRESPASSING, NO FOOLIN'!...It gets straight to the point!

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08-28-2001 13:39:44

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Bob Kerr, 08-28-2001 13:19:55  
shot'em rock salt and bacon fat at 45 yds. does the trick trust me they won't be back.

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Jerry B

08-28-2001 06:26:33

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 Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Ken McWilliams, 08-28-2001 03:42:35  
I have to take exception the the comment about "Marxist public education". In my 26 years of teaching, no where have I encountered that attitude. Of course I teach in Kentucky where folks half-way respect each other and their property.
The biggest problem seems to be that parents are willing to almost kill to protect their kids. THEIR kids can do no wrong. THEIR kids deserve the best, even if it means taking it away from some one else. THEIR kids should be allowed to do as they please because, after all they are THEIR kids.

My point to this tirade is it isn't the kids fault, it's the parents. The parents have no respect so the kids will have even less.

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08-30-2001 11:03:44

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 Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jerry B, 08-28-2001 06:26:33  
I think you are giving parents far too much credit. Most of them nowadays hardly qualify as parents - they're not even home bringing up the little monsters they brought into this world.

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Ken McWilliams

08-28-2001 07:55:12

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 Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jerry B, 08-28-2001 06:26:33  
Jerry, that is very true. But the public education problem goes back to the 19th century.

One of Karl Marx's planks in the Communist Manefesto was to educate the masses in collectivism, to get it to become a way of life. Thus, the problem doesn't lie with the trespassing child, but the parent who was taught to be "pink" in their thinking. Who does that narrow-minded, capitalistic land owner think he is by denying the neighbors the use of his land? We should all share: "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine."

I am a product of public education, and it was hammered into me that our collective government can provide needs and answers better than the individual and the free market economy.

Why should one person have more property than another - we're all equal aren't we? If someone can use someone else's property, why should he work more or harder to have something of his own?

The economy of the USSR collapsed because the people had no equity in their labor. Crops would lie ruined in the fields because workers on the collective farms received their government income and food allocation regardless of productivity. The nation with the largest land mass on earth couldn't produce enough for its own, but had to import from around the world grain to feed the people.

Give someone incentive and an opportunity to make a buck and he'll generate a surplus of product.

Ken McWilliams
Dayton, OH

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08-28-2001 06:54:09

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 Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jerry B, 08-28-2001 06:26:33  
while i would not call it marxist, I know what Ken is talking about and it does exist south of you (or atleast southeast of you). This has nothing to do with this thread but i'll throw it in. our Southern Culture class is taught by a yank.....a northerner. you should see some of the confused faces when he tells a southerner how a southerner should act.

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08-28-2001 13:18:10

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to rhudson, 08-28-2001 06:54:09  
Who needs a Southern culture class, either you're born with it or never get it. Why is it when I visit SC my boat's the only one flying the stars & bars? Call me a Yankee, I still believe in states rights!

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Robert in W. Mi.

08-29-2001 19:18:06

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Burrhead, 08-28-2001 18:30:05  
third party image

Your turn, :) Robert

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Burrhead-Scalia 5 did it

08-29-2001 22:08:55

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Robert in W. Mi., 08-29-2001 19:18:06  

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08-29-2001 14:53:58

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim (MI), 08-29-2001 06:14:25  
Nobody ever answered the question you just all went to whining and having a peprally..

What does a yank going to South Carolina flying a flag on his boat have to do with the man's original problems with trespassing violators???

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That pond scum crack doesn't show very much class, either.

08-29-2001 12:19:03

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim (MI), 08-29-2001 06:14:25  

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08-29-2001 06:48:36

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim (MI), 08-29-2001 06:14:25  
One question at a time Mr Jim. Look back up at what Captain America said about his flag flying and location.

I'm honestly trying to figger out if his going south to fly the stars and stripes in the Carolinas means he's a draft dodger or a veteran????? That should be a simple enough question even for a yankee.

I'm gonna over look your pond scum comment because with you being a full fledged yankee your stupidity and arrogance gene is bred into your ignorance. I realize there's nothing that can be done except to look over your behavior.

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Robert in W. Mi.

08-29-2001 19:07:16

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jerry B, 08-29-2001 08:41:46  
Did you read his post where he proclaimed that asault rifles should be banned?? AND then went on to say he had one?? I think he learned that trick from (D) Ted Kennedy, where the (D) stands for DUMB!! Robert

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08-29-2001 21:15:35

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Robert in W. Mi., 08-29-2001 19:07:16  
I repeat dumbass reread the thread. No wonder you yanks love Scrub so much he's as dumb as you are.

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Robert in W. Mi.

08-30-2001 17:33:14

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Burrhead, 08-29-2001 21:15:35  
Burrhead, Every time you let go into one of your name calling fits of rage, it just makes me feel even more sorry for the kids you raised in your home. If you can't control you self here, I doupt you are any better around the house. I guess you are destined to raise another generation just like you! Too bad, Robert

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08-31-2001 09:08:50

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Robert in W. Mi., 08-30-2001 17:33:14  
Yeah and when I see people like you it reminds me that folks like you are why they outlawed cousins from getting married.

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08-29-2001 14:46:13

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jerry B, 08-29-2001 08:41:46  
Jerry if you'll check it out just a little closer I never said I believe in gun control, what I actually said was that there should be no regstration. Period.

If there is no registration along with the right to own firearms then there would'nt be any problems with permits.

If the end results had shown Prince Albert to have won by 2 million votes how would we unseat Scrub anyways????.

The results I read on the NYT recount showed Prince Albert won by 2200 votes if the rules of order had been followed statewide in Fla.

BTW I am a conservative. A conservative Demogog but a conservative none the less.

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08-29-2001 19:18:35

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jerry B, 08-29-2001 18:52:23  
why does any normal human being need an assualt weapon. some of these gun shows get pretty scary thtree places and you have a dangereous weapon. I won,t give up my shotgun either but that is not the issue as I see it

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Jerry B

08-30-2001 05:50:38

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to bob, 08-29-2001 19:18:35  

Geeze fella....get a clue.

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08-30-2001 17:45:53

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jerry B, 08-30-2001 05:50:38  
just what is your purpose of a 47 not to kill game use common sense

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Robert in W. Mi.

08-29-2001 20:07:25

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to bob, 08-29-2001 19:18:35  
To protect my property from trespassers!! :) The point is, it's a gun like any other. If an idiot has an ax, car, knife, or a gun, he/she is still an idiot, and will do some damage. I've owned firearms continuously since my father gave me my first one at age 9, and i've not killed anyone to this date. I once sold a Valmet copy of an AK47 to a guy that carried it with him, and his family to pick berries. A brown bear charged out of the berry patch at him, and he shot most of a 20 round mag. at the bear, killing it at his feet! I though he was going to kiss me the next time he saw me, and his wife couldn't stop thanking me. That's a true story!! Robert

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08-31-2001 05:37:42

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Robert in W. Mi., 08-29-2001 20:07:25  
He probably could have nuked the bear with a mini-atom bomb too but I don't advocate everybody owning one. Military weapons belong in the military. I can defend my home and family just fine with my deer rifle, shotgun or revolver.

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Robert in W. Mi.

08-31-2001 18:02:08

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to JT, 08-31-2001 05:37:42  
JT, Do you understand that all AK47's aren't full auto?? As aren't M16's, CARTS, Uzzies, Mac's, and all the other "labeled" assult weapons!! Do you understand that a Remington 870 pump shot gun was used in Nam, so it all so can be considered a military weapon? Did you know that the Remington 700 bolt action varimiter was all so used in Nam, and would all so be a military weapon? How about the Colt (Goverment) 45 ACP? Bretta 9mm pistol?? AND, many more!! Now, if i take my Remingtom 742 30/06 semi auto rifle, (30/06 caliber) and buy a 20 round magazine for it, and maybe a wire stock, will it suddenly become an assault rifle?? All of these things are possible, so that's why it isn't so cut and dried as to what "is", and what "isn't" an assult rifle, or military weapon!! BTW, years ago, i had a full auto Mac 10, (machine gun) and i didn't kill anyone, or rob any banks all the time i owned it!! Robert

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09-04-2001 03:23:59

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Robert in W. Mi., 08-31-2001 18:02:08  
Yes, Robert, I understand that every AK47 is not fully automatic and there are a lot of guns out there that are called "assault rifles" that are no more than a hunting rifle with some military hardware. Please understand that I have no problem with these guns.

Like I said, some of the extremists on one end of the spectrum would outlaw your 870 and your model 700 for the exact reasons you stated.

On the other hand there are a lot of folks that think they should be able to own automatic weapons and rifles that fire 500 times without reloading just because they think they are fun to shoot.

A lot of people like yourself could probably be trusted with a fully automatic MAC 10 but there are at least that many more that couldn't. For that reason I think we need some controls on who can own them.

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Robert in W. Mi.

09-04-2001 13:48:51

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to JT, 09-04-2001 03:23:59  
JT, I don't know where YOU live, but in the USA there all ready are controls (federal laws) on full auto weapons ownership. It takes a spl. license, and BATF stamp to own one (full auto weapon), so i guess you agree that we have enough gun control now, and that we need to put away those that abuse the laws we now have. None of the full auto weapons that have been used in crimes were leagally owned. All of those crazys were breaking present day laws!! Thanks, Robert

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G Taylor

08-31-2001 09:17:33

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to JT, 08-31-2001 05:37:42  
The proahibinists against alcohol made no distinction between low % beer or wine & high % whiskey or rum. Why do you think the anti-gunners will be happy taking your black .223 semi auto military rifle away & be OK with a .223 semi with a brown wooden stock?

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08-31-2001 10:30:37

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to G Taylor , 08-31-2001 09:17:33  
I hear what you are saying and I agree that there are people on the anti-gun side that will not be satisfied until we can't own as much as a BB gun. I strongly disagree with that crowd.

Then there are those on the other side who think there should be absolutely no regulations on owning guns - that anything goes, anywhere, anytime, no questions asked. I disagree with that crowd too. That's one reason I got out of the NRA years ago.

I think most of the folks in this country are somewhere in the middle. I firmly believe in the right to bear arms. I own 21 guns and would not hesitate to use one if I am forced to - Hope I never am!

During my lifetime I have observed a lot of misuse of firearms, mostly due to ignorance and carelessness. I shudder to think what some of these people would do if they could go down to the local hardware store and buy a fully automatic weapon. WE NEED SOME CONTROLS ON GUNS.

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G Taylor tool control or stupid/evil people control

09-02-2001 08:40:33

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to JT, 08-31-2001 10:30:37  
This is one of those topics where 98% of the people want peace & justice but don't agree on how to achieve it. That's the irony. Sad to say there is the 2% out there that see a topic ( guns,smoking,assorted envirmental topics etc) as a "power trip", not for the cause but the "power". We seen what happend during the Salem Witch Hunts, political correctness to name a couple. How about controls on people so they will suffer severely everytime they use something/anything to harm others? Most crimes are committed because it's a fast easy way to get what they want or to allow emotions to rage unchecked. Then all you need is a lawyer & a overburdened justice system to get off or only suffer "a slap on the wrist".

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08-29-2001 21:12:46

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Robert in W. Mi., 08-29-2001 20:07:25  
You mean that man shot and unarmed bear???? Sounds one sided to me.

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Robert in W. Mi.

08-30-2001 17:22:50

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Burrhead, 08-29-2001 21:12:46  
Naaaaa aw, It was a fair fight, as the guy had just got a manicure, and has false teeth, so i'd call it pretty even!! :) Robert

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Jerry B

08-28-2001 09:12:21

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to rhudson, 08-28-2001 06:54:09  
Kinda like having a hog give decorating lessons isn't it?

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08-28-2001 06:52:52

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 Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jerry B, 08-28-2001 06:26:33  
"Truer words were never spoken".

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08-28-2001 03:19:44

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Too bad to have to post your land but maybe that's the answer. Then maybe you can get this moron some jail time for illegal trespass. Most people will ask permission of the land owner for hunting etc. at least here in Vermont. The ones that don't deserve anything they get. Good Luck.

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08-28-2001 03:17:45

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I'm 100% or your side. I hate to tell you this but the only way to really solve the problem is to hire a lawyer (I know, I hate them too!) and have him send a "demand letter" telling them to stay off your property or they will be sued. If posting is required in your area put up signs. Then, take pictures of any damage they do, even just tearing up your pasture or the stumps where they cut your trees. A video camera is best as you have hard evidence who did the damage. Then have your lawyer sue them for the actual danages. Keep suing the moron family until they either run out of money or get the hint. The letter and the lawsuits will also offer some protection against them suing you if one of their kids kills himself on your property, but check all this out with your lawyer.

Whatever you do, don't just hope the problem will go away. These kind of people are scum of the earth. You're going to have to teach them the rules.

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Good point Dean

08-28-2001 13:28:06

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 Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Dean, 08-28-2001 03:17:45  
Ya, get a lawyer to write a letter demanding they stay away. Then consider taking them to small claims court for the cost. This make it a record you tried. r.

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08-28-2001 02:28:44

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
Don't know how it is where you are, but here in Ohio, if you want a line fence, adjoining neighbors pay half the expenses. Give him a choice, stay off your property, or pay half the cost of a line fence.

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Same trouble

08-28-2001 00:18:20

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 Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Jim, 08-27-2001 20:48:00  
I know exactly what you mean, I have almost the same problem! I think it has something to do with the people thinking you have more than your entitled to, perhaps their jealous, so they figure they can take and do what they please. Then again, I suspect if they had as much land, they'd still trespass and walk all over you. Only solution is probably a 1.2 million dollar electrified fence.

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08-30-2001 11:15:35

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 Re: Re: Re: How do you stop trespassers? in reply to Haliburton Bill, 08-28-2001 17:17:45  
I'm glad to see this thread get back on track - I thought I detected a little disrespect creeping in - which was exactly what we started out deploring..... .....

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