I guess I'm the latest victim, I bought a 54 t-all , and a 54 R-100 from him, he was all nice and everything until he got my money, that was june 24th 03,this is the last E-mail I got from him, "Gregg,got the MO today. I am going to be takeing them to Crosby in a few weeks, then hope to get them to Idaho very soon after that. When I get my truck on the road soon, I will call you and chat about it. Jon" That was the last contact I've had with him, I have E-mailed him several times , asking him to respond, and to sent titles,misc. other paperwork. So far I'm still waiting to hear from him, he said a few weeks in his E-mail, am I not giving him the benifit of the doubt? I would think that he'd at least have the common curtisy to contact me. I guess I'll wait till the end of July before I start to get mad. Is there anyone near him to see if there is even a T-all to pick up, or did I buy a pig in a poke, thanks for letting me vent, later, Greg