Everyday after school, we played sports, fall it was football, winter it was hockey, spring/summer was baseball and or whatever goes. This is a huge matter of opinion, but it's sad to see kids miss out on the fun, the exercise, the learning, and comradery from being active, unlike leading a sedentary adolescence which is happening now. Most of it comes from parents, which is not an easy job to begin with, but these habits and things that these kids get into that keep them in-doors and unactive, parents need to realize this and push em a little more, help em find something they might like to do, encourage them to try or learn new things relating to more physical and active outdoor things, when and where possible. It's hard for a kid to understand what is good and or bad for them, but the saddest thing is to see a young kid going through the best time of their life overweight and out of shape from a sedentary life style, which could have been avoided if someone was there for the kid to help em get into better habits. Diet/nutrition, and exercise, are extremely important, seems like a lot of people may not think a whole heck of a lot of their kids if they don't help them with these kinds of things, they learn from us correct ? In many neighborhoods today, you can't let a kid out of your sight for one second, which means they just don't have the freedoms we had to be active, it's restricted because of the nasty criminals preying on these kids, and yeah there were perv's and the like when I was young and I'm sure before many of us were born, but because that element is so prolific now, how one cannot worry about ones kids when they are not at home is beyond me, you have to be with them at all times today to have peace of mind, especially in more urban settings. These criminals are too abundant, just look at the s#x offender registries. We used to be gone all day, playing sports, riding bikes somewhere, diggin in the old farmers dump for old milk bottles, exploring the woods and the fields, had to be in by dark which we hated, had to beat the street lights coming on etc, you just wanted to be outside, even when it was cold in the winter, things have changed, it really is not easy anymore and I think it goes far deeper than just the diet and food.