IF AND I MEAN IF our government wanted to build our fence, we could use like many places--a fair warning fence then if you cross over all hel l breaks loose. Sorry I don't think we need high teck drone planes, and --my political friends may have other friends that sell them--- I don't. So my solution is land mines with lots of propaganda sheets dropped into mexico claiming many deaths due to land mines--- should work. Make that 24/7 also. Now I will jump the fence myself and wonder how the government that seems to have little common sence does screen anyone. You forgot to dot a i so no to you etc. And then we have to wonder why not some folks, but others we will pay for their college etc. especialy if they are good at sports. Our government wants cheap help for big business, and some day out grand kids will be doing the hard labor job because others will own the companies because they got all the government grants. While some including myself rant about it my question is what differance does it make what new sweet laws our government make if like the rest they are not inforced. Has any of you given thought of these folks becoming legal citizens and making little money? They will repace many taxable dollars from original citizens because (original citizen) lost his job. OH OH but there is a aditional twist to this game. Anyone ever hear of earned income credits where Uncle Sam hands out perhaps $2,00.00 dollars for low income legal citizens? I'm resonably sure that this money will come from tax dollars that we pay, and won't come from the sky. Do you think I can calm down now?