05-04-2003 04:45:35
Re: tractors for dummies in reply to City Boy, 05-04-2003 00:55:20
There is a number of books out there written about Farm Tractors in general, one that comes to mind is the " History of Farm Tractors " , I just saw it the other day at Walden Books. There also many books written on each brand of tractor, be it a Allis Chalmers, Case/IH(Farmall), J.I. Case, Caterpiller, Cockshutt John Deer Ford, International Harvester, McCormick Deering, Massey-Harris/Ferguson, minneapolis Moline, Oliver, Cletrac, Hart-Par, Rumely Oil Pull, Silver King, White an a few that I have forgotten. As the other gentleman said, this web site is one of the best place to learn about tractors as well. There is from time to time some junk throwen in but for the most part it's pretty true to heart. There is also a section on this web site to links of other site's that have a ton of knowledge, if you can find it from this site or the ton of other sites/links from this site your just not going to find it reguarding tractor equipment. Jump in ask questions, don't fell any question is to dum to ask, yes there are some jerks here once in awhile but 99.9 percent of the folks here a jumping at the chance to answer/help someone. BTW there are time that you may not receive an answer, it not because people don't like you or have put you on ignor, it's because whom ever may be on that day or evening may not know the answer. There is also a seach engine on the site that is very powerfull, if you have a question on your mind an feel it's a little dum (which the only dum question is the one not ask) but if you feel that way use the seach engine. I'd almost bet the question has been ask before, an I mean just about anything from tractors to plows, disks, how to paint, how to weld, electrical problems an even how the crops were growing or how to set your plow or how to plow :o) So welcome hope I help you, enjoy, old Iron is real fun an so is the new iron as well, you will meet some neat people here:o)