John A.
05-23-2003 21:35:09
Re: Praire dogs. in reply to R.Williams, 05-23-2003 13:44:05
OK Boys, First praire dogs are not pets! They are nuisances, A detrament to land, ruin it for grazing. There mounds can and will cripple a horse if you have to rope sick cattle in that pasture. I know!!! First it is great fun to wile-away a sunday afternoon shooting dogs. After a while they wise up. Even from 300 yds you will miss some so the 1 bullit-1 dead dog won't be the rule. I have seen praire dog towns that gange into the hundreds of acres! So real aggresive measures must be taken to control/eradicate them. Best time to do ground work is after a rain! NH3 (Anhydrous Ammonia) get a trailer that has some in it, Off of the liquid line hose attach a length of pile, stick it down the hole, with a shovel handle, shove some news paper into the hole, cover hole with soil, pack down, crack valve for 30 seconds or so, close valve, pull out pipe,throw extra soil on top of hole and pack down. Go to next hole. After a couple of days you will start seeing results. Go back and retreat any holes that are dug out. Some folks use Drip Gas (condensate collected from natural gas pipe line blow pots) Those of you that have gas lines on your property know what I am talking about. Use the same prosudure as above only subing the drip gas for NH3. There are others who have used pellitized grain fumigant. Use 8 to 10 tablets Same procedure as above. Still others will flood them out with water, then club them to death. The folk I know have NO love for dogs! The last hope one can have for control/eradication is the plauge that hits the praire towns every so often, it can reduce a town by half. If that happens, Then is the time to get after them even harder. For they are weaker and should be easier to kill. Good Hunting, John A.