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Girls and tractors???

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06-19-2003 18:15:10

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I am 19 and have been into tractors all my life. Right now i have 4 and i am always working on and using old tractors in my spare time. My problem is finding girls that like tractors here in michigan. I can't seem to find a girlfriend because of this, none of them respect the hobby i love...why is this?? can it really be that bad? i sure don't think so!! please write back if anyone has had any similar experiences....

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Chick magnet

06-21-2003 07:03:22

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
You must be using the wrong kinds. I have always found cruising the cercit in a Rusty H brings them out in droves.

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06-21-2003 06:48:26

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
Hey John, I have a 20 yr old daughter name Kacie, she's a red head and is looking for a farmer of rancher. She already has one horse and two llamas plus a few cats and her own dog. She love animals and will drive my tractors when I let her.
She needs someone who will tolerate her animals and love for the land. The bigger your farm, the better.
She is tired of dating all the boys around here (the kind that wears their pants down at their knees). She is looking for a country boy.

Email me and I'll send a picture.

author's note..... NO, I'm not trying to marry her off....well, maybe I am. But, if she marries a tractor buddy, then I'll have a tractor buddy son-in-law. YEA

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06-21-2003 06:51:51

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 Re: Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to Duane, 06-21-2003 06:48:26  
Here is the email. I thought I posted it above, but you know technology.

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06-21-2003 16:36:01

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 Re: Re: Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to Duane, 06-21-2003 06:51:51  
Do any tractors come with the redhead? Please send pictures of the tractors!

Just kidding, and quoting a moldy old sign message.

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06-21-2003 06:33:44

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
When I was 16-say 23 or so I lived the same experience. I farmed, went to college, worked hard and long. Seemed like I was always 'chasing something'. Was jealous of all my friends who seemed like they had all the girls.

Along about 23 I decided I was going to quit looking, in fact I swore that I would never again ask a girl out (and I haven't). I just worked at being myself, didn't show out, tried to be nice. Low and behold, (maybe girls respect self confidence???) within a year they were worrying me to death. Dated a lot, lived with a couple, finally got married at 28. I never looked for a woman to share my interests. They were interested in me, and were interested in helping me. As a note of interest, I never did find a woman under 30. Been married 9 years now, glad I waited. Spent my time in my 20's getting my finances and business in order. Watch a lot of my friends that really struggle.

Irony is, now that I'm married I still get worried to death by women. I buy and sell hay and do a lot of custom work. Not a month goes by that some gal isn't hitting on me???

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06-20-2003 19:01:09

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
John, go looking where they are! Try visiting your local 4-H/FFA fairs. Go down to the barns and meet the young people who are showing their animals. There will be some wonderful kids there, some in your age group. You can go even further, join a 4-H club as a project area leader. You have some talents that would make you very welcome there. There are eligible young ladies all over. You need to do your search where the ones with your interests are. Young ladies from the ranks of 4-H and FFA are already in tune with farming, animals, and tractors.

I met my wife in college, she was the daughter of a dairy farmer. When I called her one Saturday afternoon, and told her that I was going to have to back out on our Saturday evening date, because we had hay on the ground and needed to get it in before the rain started, and she said she understood - I knew that was the girl for me. We're on my family farm some 35 years later, and she understands our need for tractors and equipment. We raise hay and oats to feed her sheep, llamas, and rabbits. I can depend on her to do tractor work if needed. Our son, same age as you, recently restored a '49 JD B, formerly belonging to wife's late uncle. She's thrilled that the tractor is "still in the family!"

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Chances R

06-20-2003 15:27:49

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
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Well heck, I got to tell ya things arent all that bad. I waited 36 years till I found a great gal. I new she was special when she offered to help me hook up a disk, and she backed the tractor. I new that I liked her when we got done hooking up the disk and all my fingers, toes, and other vital parts were still intact! I had to ask her to be my wife when I found out that I could have tractors at the wedding reception. Hang in there, the right one will come along.

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06-20-2003 15:11:30

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
John I hate to inform you of this but you just missed your choice of 3 really great gals in our club.The last one at 20 just married a farmer and had never been on a tractor, and now I'm betting there is no one that can handle a W-9 or WD-9 better than she can and weighs in at whopping 95 pounds. So John as others have said, Hang in there, and a great gal is out there just for you.
Best of luck, and happy hunting.

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06-20-2003 12:57:27

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
I think you're going about this the wrong way.
I think you should place the standard ad in the
classified section:

WANTED: Caring,understanding young woman near Michigan, with tractor..... .....

Please e-mail picture of tractor.

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06-20-2003 10:24:41

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
Maybe you need to take a good long look at the brand of tractors you have?
Sorry about that, couldn't resist, seriously, it only seems like a big deal now because you are 19, hang in there, chances are, that perfect girl will find you, that's how it worked for me.

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06-20-2003 09:41:06

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
I'm 20 and I sometimes feel like there aren't any farm girls out there. I know several good farm girls but they're all taken. I was surprised to find all of my AG classes at SEMO University to ge female....most of which aren't too bad a'lookin'. I have dated the same girl for over 3 years now. She is a "burb" girl, living just outside the city limits. Her mom grew up on a farm baling hay and slopn' the hogs. If only her daughter could have a work ethic like that. My girlfriend thinks that 40 hours work weeks are just terrible. I tell her to try working 50+ away from the farm and then coming home to help my dad until 10pm every night. She doesn't want to hear that!

Things haven't been all bad. I did manage to get her to rake hay for a couple of hours last summer. It took lots of persuasion but she came through. The big thing for her is her allergies flairing up around hay and just being outside on the farm. She came out this spring and rode with me on my 720 gas two-popper top dressing our pasture with fertlizer. She even drove.

I always wish she would have grown up on the farm, but sometimes I like showing her things.

One important thing for me is that when I expect her to do something that I like or have an interest in, I try to do the same things for her. Kinda like a trade-off.

She's even going to the 2cylinder Club Expo for three days in July with me. I'm going to take her on a tour of JD Waterloo Works assembly plant.

Good Luck, and you don't have to find one right off of the tractor, you still want the gal to be a lady...you might be surprised to find a girl that can out work you and spit the juice farther too!

My advice....
Hope it helps or gives you insight.
Tyler in Missouri

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06-20-2003 08:46:44

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
well i am 20,and from what i have found ya dont gota neccesarilly get a girl that likes tractors, i got a girl that likes sorta general farm stuff, she is into horses and that sorta thing, not too much into tractors like i am, but she helps out and doesnt mind my tractor habit. the good thing is that it sorta gives me a reason that i need tractors, to make hay to feed our animals, right now we just have goats tho. the next part of the whole problem is that once ya get a girlfriend then ya dont have as much money to spend on tractor stuff, heck she is always trying to spend my money on all sorts of small livestock, last time i went to pennsylvania we went into TSC and ducklings were on sale so practicaly before i knew it she had told the salesman that we wanted 3 of them, so after that we were on our way home, box of ducklings on her lap, and we pass a sheep in a small pen out in front of a farm with a for sale sign, well she gets all excited and tells me to stop, and that he looks lonely and that we should buy him, which basicly means that "we" will buy him with "my" money, its funny how those things work. so ya gota widen your search a bit, heck i wasnt saying to myself "i gota find a girl who likes tractors"i just wanted a girl lol, but luckly i found one with alot of the same interests as me, now if only i could get her to stop talking so much about getting married i would be all set! i dont want to get married for a long time. so dont worry too much about findin a tractor girl, just make sure its a girl who tolerates tractors, she doesnt have to like them

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06-20-2003 10:25:37

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 Re: Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to markct, 06-20-2003 08:46:44  
yea i just talked to her at lunchtime, she told me there was a hay tedder in the paper that she thought i might be interested in, then she told me that the under the same phone number there is an add for a miniature horse, i think i may hold off and wait for another tedder for sale

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Jerry L/az

06-20-2003 09:54:51

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 Re: Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to markct, 06-20-2003 08:46:44  
Boy there for a moment I thought you where talking about my wife, with the animals, till one day she brought home a gander and goose, the goose was ok but every time she whent to feed the horse'es and she turned her back on the gander he would nail her right where she sits needless to say we had a nice fat gander fot thanksgiveing that yr, oh yes it took her 7 yr's to go to the alter..... Jer ps had to buy her a tractor so she would leave mine alone

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Jerry L/az

06-20-2003 09:53:12

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 Re: Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to markct, 06-20-2003 08:46:44  
Boy there for a moment I thought you where talking about my wife, with the animals, till one day she brought home a gander and goose, the goose was ok but every time she whent to feed the horse'es and she turned her back on the gander he would nail her right where she sits needless to say we had a nice fat gander fot thanksgiveing that yr, oh yes it took her 7 yr's to go to the alter..... Jer

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06-20-2003 06:33:18

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
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'Some girls don't like boys like me...Ahh..but some girls do!'

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JD-Tractor in NY

06-20-2003 10:32:25

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 Re: Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to mj, 06-20-2003 06:33:18  
Hey mj,Kinda looks like you are robbing the cradel ...LOL I know training has to start young.

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06-20-2003 20:22:13

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 Re: Re: Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to JD-Tractor in NY, 06-20-2003 10:32:25  
Yeah....with 45 years between us 'cradle robbing' would be putting it mildly! She is actually my girlfriends' daughter....I'm just trying to introduce her to the the right crowd...you know...'slow and deliberate' instead of 'fast and furious'! :-)

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06-20-2003 06:19:56

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
How about you take up something the women like such as ballet, shopping for clothes/shoes/sunglasses/makeup/etc. Then off to the museum. Or to the fitness club for some dancercise? Going out for lunch having little salads or quiche. Then off to the spa for a facial,pedicure,manicure,wrap,aroma therapy etc. You could also help park their cars so they don't have to back into or out of a parking space. I don't want to surprise you but women want to do guy's stuff about as much as you want to do women's stuff.

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Dick A.

06-20-2003 05:58:25

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
60 years ago my dad told me I would be better off to keep my feet under the old man's table. He told me those women bite, kick and scratch, but I had to find out for myself.

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06-20-2003 03:22:08

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
i think you are a lot better off with the tractors. they don't get as tempermental as females. being married 34 years, my wife still does not have anything to do with tractors or farming or hay making. she says it's a waste of time to be out in the southern texas heat like that. of course, i think cross stitch is silly too, but then i'm a man and what do i know? right?

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49 Cubber!

06-20-2003 02:47:14

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
Youre better off with the tractors kid,they dont talk back,raise cane at ya for little things,they dont ask ya to so stupid things,and that time of the month is the tractor show!Give it time!

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Gary from Geneva

06-20-2003 02:42:21

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
It took a few years before my wife found me. We were good friends first. My wife is a country girl. She doesn’t mind getting dirty, sweaty and working hard when the need arises. She thinks tractors are nice because they make the job easer. Two weeks ago she drained the fluid from the transmission, loader, and planetaries and changed the filters. We ended up with almost 20 gallons of old oil! I did helped with filling things up (those 5 gallon buckets get heavy) and passed her a few tools to her. This weekend she will do the engine oil. It is good that she knows how to do it in case something ever happened to me. You each need to do 80% and you will meet in the middle.

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06-20-2003 00:42:55

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
I am from Ohio and am 26 years old with the same problem. I thought I had found a farm girl the other day that owned show cattle, loved diesel trucks, and tractors. I am suppose to go on a date with her this weekend but cannot get ahold of her now. Seems like most girls want a bad guy that does nothing but hurts them. I am starting to get that bad guy attitude now. I don't want them to think I am a push over. I just want someone I can spend the rest of my life with that has very simular interest and was raised very simular to me. Keep looking we will find one someday that knows something good when they see it. Remeber it is their loss not yours!!!

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06-19-2003 23:35:32

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
Hey John I dont know how the girls are where youre from but the ones that I bring home to the farm all think im WAY sexier when they see me controling one of those big machines, maybe it only works on the girls at my college (my first job) but damn it sure does work! So what Im sayin is find a city (college) girl that thinks driving tractors is way harder than it really is! So just go to college and watch them flock!

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06-19-2003 22:19:06

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
don't sweat it just find one that can tolerate your hobby. as long as she tolerates your hobby and you're careful she will never notice that your hobby has grown to XXX tractors guns ectera.when she sees you on one of your tractors she will just think"ther goes john one one of his old tractors" if she enjoys the hobby to much then it's there goes john on...hey that's a new old tractor how many dose he need .....and these are the pants i've been wearing since highschool .....with the baby one the way ....and my car is 10 years old and he says we cant afford to buy me a new one....ect.now do you see you just need one with her own hobby who tolerates you tractor hobby it makes life easier. the trick is to just bring them home when she's not looking and just slip it in with the rest then occasionaly bring one in under the full light of day with lots of fan fair but make it a cheep one so she is happy,then one day you'll have enough she'll never keep track.this also works for guns ask me

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John Deere Farmer

06-19-2003 22:04:25

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
I'm 20 down here in Southern Ohio, and there isn't any girls around here that will have anything to do with a farmboy. The few I thought had ended up not once they got a taste of it. I'm ready to go to real farm country and find a real farm girl out there. One will show up sooner or later, just gotta find her gettin off that tractor.

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06-19-2003 22:02:13

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
To be 19 again, not sure if I could make it out alive the second time! Don't worry about it when she dose show up you will know, don't rush it! I had to wait till I was 31 to find the right one. 20 years later she still is not realy interested in my tractor or old truck. She dose her thing I do mine and she lets me play with my toys and we get along just fine. Don't rush into anything play the feild and have fun, enjoy your tractors too! Mark H.

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06-19-2003 21:22:27

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
My wife is pretty cool with the tractors. And now she wants to jion in so I have to start fixing up my 1940 Farmal B so she can have one to drive. Good luck!

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Bill 52 8n

06-19-2003 21:18:22

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
I'm 23, the last few women i've gotten to know all told me that "she thinks my tractors sexy".


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06-19-2003 20:41:20

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
Do you belong to an old tractor club or take your tractors to any shows? If you really want a woman to share in your hobby that would be a good starting point. Have you every been to the Buckley, MI show. Many, many people there, some even young and pretty.

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JR in Tx

06-19-2003 20:10:53

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
Jerry makes a good point, down here the girls love tractors. It seems all their grandpas have them and their dads are ranchers so I guess it's in their blood. I am 23 and happen to be single with a 53' Jubilee and a 53' John Deere 40. That just makes for more money for parts, HA. I don't know, most girls I know fish,hunt,and hual hay. Must be the heat getting to 'em down here. Well,dont give up there every where, I know a few that rather be up there with you than here where it's 105 at noon. Good Luck huntin'.

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06-19-2003 19:56:00

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
I used to think just like you, will I ever find a girl interested in tractors? hang in there. One of the secrets to 23 years of happy marriage has been that my wife and I have maintain some separate interests. She couldn't care less about tractors and I couldn't less about her "crafts", and never have. But we do share alot too. The balance is the key. Good luck. By the way, my wonderful wife is from Michigan. There are lots of great girls in Michigan. Keep looking.

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06-19-2003 19:53:29

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
I think that it takes a little maturity to understand that a guy with a 'farming habit' is is much more of a man than one with a drinking habit, a womanizer, etc. My wife could care less about tractors. However, I know that she doesn't mind sharing my affections with a tractor compared to some of the alternatives.

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06-19-2003 19:52:07

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
I hate to see someone named John so confused. You do not need to find a "girl" interested in tractors. Find a woman, you are 19, who has values that you require. You have it all wrong. If your "girl" likes to needle point will she reject you for not sharing the same interests. At 19 you should meet and get to know as many girls/women as possible and do not even consider getting married for the next 3 to 5 yerars or more. Keep your options open. Again, think long and hard about all of the values you require in a woman. Values not material objects or hobbies or a job or profession. P.S. get all the education or technical/trade training you can.

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06-19-2003 22:13:54

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 Re: Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to tortmort, 06-19-2003 19:52:07  
I agree with the above. I'm a recovering alcholic. My wife of 25 years doesn't have any interest in my tractors, but she would rather see 3 JD's in the garage instead of 3 bottles of scotch. By the way, "SHE" traded our red lawn mower for a green one.

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06-19-2003 19:24:29

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
Married 27 years today,my wife couldn't care less
about tractors,doesn't even know what I own.I
wouldn't want a wife to share the hobby.

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06-19-2003 19:13:19

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
MAN, ME TOO!! I am in Michigan and just turned 22 the other day, and I have the same problem! Where are you located? I am in Sw Michigan, and can't find much.

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Jerry L/az

06-19-2003 19:09:21

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
Let's see 4th july just around the corner, pick out you'r best looking tractor, clean up a wagon and join the parade invite the cheerleading squad and all the gals to join you in the parade!!!!! hope this helps..... ..Jer

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Les...fortunate (but sad)

06-19-2003 19:03:22

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
Well, when you do find the right one, it'll be easy to tell, won't it?
BTW, my wife has no interest in tractors. I think she's glad I have them to keep me from being under foot quite so much.

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Could it be------

06-19-2003 18:55:29

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  

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06-19-2003 18:34:18

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 Re: girls and tractors??? in reply to John, 06-19-2003 18:15:10  
Don't know what you're doing wrong. My wife is from Dearborn, Michigan and I have over 50 tractors - and she still seems to like me. Granted, I'm from New York State but SHE'S still a mid-westerner and likes tractors just fine.

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