Allen, Your insurance guy is just looking to collect money and avoid payments -- that's how insurance companies stay in business.As people have gotten crazy about lawsuits, and there are now law firms with gross revenues of over 1 billion dollars a year, you have got to protect yourself, as your insurance company will be looking to dump you like a hot potato if there are any problems. Two things I'd suggest are: 1. having customers sign a work order that incorporated a disclaimer of liability / hold harmless agreement. 2. Document in writing all the extra measures you've taken to insure the safety of your equipment -- including bolting rubber flaps on the entrance and exit, front to back, of that bush hog. We live in a nation where a jury awarded an amount equal to the total annual national income of three European countries because he thought light cigarettes were safe (this happened in Illinois). If they complain about the prices or the forms, tell them your liability insurance requires it. And if they complain about that -- ask them if they know the Doctor they visit is probably paying over 70,000 bucks a year in liability insurance premiums. Welcome to the brave new world ruled by "trial lawyers".