I imagine this question has been asked a million times here, but here goes again.I'm looking for a tractor. In my dream world, I truck on down to the local Deere or Ford dealer and buy a nice compact 4wd with bucket and brushhog and grader blade off of the lot. But, the budget does not allow for that. So I'm thinking something older, but still useful for what I want it for. I want it to maintain a 1000' dirt and gravel driveway, including removing snow. I want a brush hog to be able to earn some money up the street mowing the game club property. I want to drive around on my 14 acres of woods and carry rocks to build rock walls...and harvest firewood. I was dead set on a loader for a while, but now I'm not too sure. I think that I could do all of my driveway maintaining and rock moving with a rear dirt scoop...but one with a hyd upper link. I was dead set on 4wd, but now I'm not too sure. Using the dirt scoop would allieviate the need for 4wd (though my property is hilly and the 4wd would be a big bonus). I do want a live pto. I like the Ford 800's. In fact I like all of the older Fords, I'm just not too sure that the N's have enough oomph to pull that brush hog and I don't think that the N's have a live pto (but I'm a newbie...so what do I know?). I'm not adverse to any brand: JD, Case, MF, etc. Gas is fine with me...this is a homeowners tractor, not a farmowners. Ideally, I would be able to find this tractor in southern New England. Thanks for any input. Bob