Here in Minnesota, where it does get down to 20F below (was out in -33 once...) we burn #2 in the furnace, but the tank is in the basement. :) Most folks use a blend of 1 & 2 if their tank is outside. Anyhow, can you ask your supplier what they put in the tank? In most cases, it is just diesel fuel, would work fine in a tractor. If it is #1 it is better to use in winter, as it doesn't lube quite as well, the engine runs hotter, & you lose a bit of power. But it works fine. If it's number 2, you don't want to run it straight below 20 degrees... There is a chance it is heating fuel, which as others say doesn't have quite all the additives for lubing the fuel pump or centane rating. Same basic fuel, but missing a bit. Many suppliers don't want to tie up seperate tanks and use engine fuel for both fuel & heating oil. If it were me, I'd try to find out what the supplier delivered. I'd probably mix it 50/50 with regular fuel & use it up in a tractor even if I didn't know what grade or type it was. Then tho maybe I wouldn't want to use it for extreme use like heavy plowing in hot weather.... --->Paul