10-04-2003 06:39:42
Re: Re: Going away for a while. in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 10-04-2003 02:35:36
Indy, I'm glad to see you're gonna be with us awhile. I know it's gotta be tough life trying to farm and make it pay...More than once, while growing up in my family's farm equipment sales/service/parts shop, I heard one farmer or another say that, "Yeah, there's PLENTY of money in farmin'...that's where I lost ALL of MINE!", but it was the small-timers, the family farmers, the career dirt farmers, the hog men, the dairymen, the cattlemen, that kept us in business for 50 years. But even when I was in high school, I could see the handwriting on the wall. Now a lot of the fertile dirt that grew corn and alfalfa and clover and 'beans when I was growing up is sprouting houses, subdivisions, and minivans and SUV's on their way to or from some soccer game or practice. Not only has the land changed, but the people have changed; they don't seem to have the respect for the land that I grew up learning. And I'm not just talking about farming, or just hunting and fishing, either; I'm talking about the "live-and-let-live," "don't tell your neighbor what to do on his property, so he won't tell you what to do on yours" kind of attitude that zoning laws and such have brought about. Farmers are facing more challenges about land use, property values and taxes, declining markets and shrinking profits, than I can ever remember seeing in my lifetime....but I guess if it was easy, EVERYBODY'd be doin' it. My hat's off to you, and the thousands like you out there, who are keeping an American tradition alive, and who are also embracing the technology of today and tomorrow, like the cell phones and computers (when I was a kid, some of the farms still didn't have indoor plumbing!). SAAAAA AAA----LUTE!!!!