I thought your light bulb post was very funny, but then when you said you retyped the whole thing I literally gasped out loud. Cutting and pasting is a cinch.Click your left mouse button at the end of the text you want to copy and while HOLDING THE BUTTON DOWN highlight all the text you want to copy. Once it's all highlighted, let go of the left button and click the right button while the cursor (arrow) is over the highlighted text. In the options that pop up, you will see COPY. Click on it. Now the text is stored. Go to where you want to paste it, click on the left mouse button first to get your blinking cursor in the right spot, and click on your right mouse button again. You will see PASTE. Click on it. There's your text right where you want it. If I have saved you any callouses on your fingertips it would make me very happy. (grin)