Young Farmer You are right on target with letting us all know about the mishap and also about the folks using the rotovator on campus without a safety guard. Many times, people don't take the time to just think, now what is worst thing that could happen if i do this on the tractor. Just some thought, and perhaps from reading a posting like yours will help them to avoid taking a risk. Experience is a great teacher. However to learn about and understand those potential dangers, all of us need to keep reminding them and our self. Thanks for sharing. We will never know, however if one person remembers what you said, maybe he will think twice and put the guard back on that tiller or keep folks away from a rock throwing machine. Many times I have chucked rocks and large pieces of wood from my bush hog. Never did not think too much about it until I read about state trooper who was killed when a rock flew from a tractor mowing the right of way and hit him in the head as he was driving by.