Hi Stan, Woodbeef has made some very good points about this proposed conversion. Also, from what I have seen of those tractors, they are quite traction limited with the 3 banger, never mind giving it more power to spin with the four. I've always thought that most of these conversions were done for the sake of it, not the practicality. It may cost a lot more to convert than buy a new block. The extra length of the four cylinder will also increase the wheelbase of the tractor, change the weight distribution (probably worsen if that's possible), and make it somewhat less manuverable. One option that I might explore is to repair the block. There are speciality outfits that do this work, and if you talk to your dealer or local engine shop, they might point you in that direction. Again, cost is a factor, and a new block might be cheaper... I have heard of structural Ford blocks that were repaired after a rod went peek-a-boo. But it's your choice. Just about anything in this areana can be done if you have the money, know-how, and time, probably in that order. Good luck. Rod